New Year, New You? 6 Habits to Ditch in 2024
If a few of your 2023 goals were left unfulfilled, these bad habits may be to blame. Leave them in 2023 for a prosperous New Year! (graphic:Freepik)

New Year, New You? 6 Habits to Ditch in 2024

With the Gregorian New Year right around the corner, just about everyone (and their mama) is resolving to be a better person. Everyone wants to either shred some LB's by summertime, or gain a few of muscle. That's why the health and fitness industry is by far one of the top industries to experience a significant boost in revenue at the beginning of the year.

The gyms will be packed for the first few weeks of January, and then commitment phobia (or just life, period) starts to kick butt and people shift their priorities. By February, the 6 a.m. dance fitness class starts looking more like the midnight weight-lifting crew -- non existent.

The second industry (IMHO) to receive the biggest payouts in January is self-improvement / self-help / mental health. Most people want to know how to be an upgraded version of who they were the year before. They start researching top-selling self-help books, take up journaling, and may even visit a therapist.

There's a reason most businesses experience an uptick in sales at the beginning of the year. We are hard-wired to want to grow, to evolve, to become better people; thereby proving resolutions are important.

The key, however, is to commit.

But how exactly do we commit when life gets hard, when that chocolate-covered cookie looks so yummy, when binge-watching Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan sounds more appealing than cardio on a treadmill?

Say "hello" to innovation. Because you can have your cake (or cookie) and eat it, too.

Innovation and commitment can take your resolutions from a dream to reality. (image: djvstock/Freepik

In 2023 I had to get creative about my indulgences and swapping them out for better options. Everyone close to me knows I love a good cookie (honestly even a bad cookie is good) and Lawd knows I've tried to give 'em up. That's when I got creative and created my own homemade version of a cookie with fewer and healthier ingredients. And sometimes I do end up giving in and having a store-bought cookie every now and then, especially when I am not intentional about my goals for the week.

But you want to know what's also really important when making resolutions? Not beating myself up about falling off the wagon. But instead trying again the next day. And the next.

Throughout my many years of life I've learned there has to be a balance between the gentle approach and some good old-fashioned tough love. Sometimes the band-aid has to just get ripped off (i.e cold-turkey quitting). And that works too.

While I'm not a psychologist, I possess a certain level of self-awareness and have spent many years diving into my mess and course-correcting. I've also had over a decade's worth of experience in running my own business and you know what 'they' say:

Entrepreneurship is one of the fastest routes to personal growth.

With that said, I am in no way attempting to diagnose or "fix" you. But I have struggled with these habits in the past and know how they can stagnate growth. As a business owner, you have goals for the upcoming year, but first ask yourself which goals you didn't accomplish in 2023. It's possible one of the following 6 habits could have instead crushed your dreams in 2023.

Here are 6 habits we really need to consider leaving in 2023:

Setting boundaries in life and in business is healthy for everyone. (image: storyset/Freepik)

6. ?? People-pleasing - There's a difference between wanting to make others feel welcomed and flat out allowing people to run over you with the hopes they like you. People-pleasing trickles into every facet of life, including business. As a business owner it looks like refusing to set boundaries with your customers. Ever replied to a client's email in the middle of the night because they said it's an emergency. NEWS FLASH: people-pleasing never made anyone a better person. Not the people on the receiving end, and certainly not you. Instead, consider setting boundaries according to your principals, values, and goals. You'll be more satisfied with the interactions you have, and the people around you will respect you.

5. ?? Imposter Syndrome - Unless you're playing Among Us with your 10-year-old nephew, there should be no room for imposters in your life. According to mental health specialists, people who experience imposter syndrome are high-achieving. In other words, you already put in the work to get where you are, didn't you? So in essence there is nothing to feel guilty or undeserving about. Typically, a genuine person would feel like an imposter in their business if they felt they lacked skills to perform. But that doesn't make you an imposter. With additional training you may feel up to par. And sometimes it just takes working with a new client (at the up-leveled experience you feel apprehension towards) to get over the feeling that you don't know what you're doing. If you have the credentials/skills/intellect, you're not an imposter, and you most certainly are ?worthy? of the upgrade you desire.

4. ?? Hyper-independence - I know, I know.. you're an independent woman, you don't need no help. Who on Earth started that trend? It's a lie! Naturally, we are interdependent, collaborative creatures. Hyper-independence can make you feel as if you have to do "all the things" all by yourself. That's not only impossible, but absolutely exhausting. Yes, you're a Jill of All Trades, but you're not trying to master everything are you? Allowing someone else to do what they are good at gives you space to focus on what you're the expert on. Like my son's kindergarten teacher used to always say, "teamwork makes the dream work!". Yes it does. So allow yourself to take an intermission in 2024 and lean on someone else for a change.

There will always be more to improve, so start where you are not with what you have. That's perfect! (image: Freepik)

3. ?? Perfectionism - Want to launch a new product, but don't have a website? Want to pitch your services to that YouTube vlogger with 20,000 subs, meanwhile your channel sits at less than 100? Love, you're never going to have all the pieces in the right place. You're a human, not God Almighty. So give yourself some grace. There is power in doing what you can, doing it scared, then letting go, and letting God. As long as you put your best foot forward, you will get where you want to be. Continue upgrading along the way and before you know it your bank account will be big enough to pay someone to be the perfectionist.

2. ?? Comparison - It's the thief of joy. And you know this. You even have the quote Post-It'd on your bedroom wall. So why are you still comparing yourself to that other teacherpreneur whose website is decked out, whose TpT store is poppin', whose IG reel is #alwaysonfleek?? Please stop. You are not her. And she is not you. When we allow comparison to creep into our minds it seeps into our business and we lose focus of the vision. Then our brand starts looking like something entirely different than what we originally envisioned. Friend, you are a unicorn (you're definitely a human though... maybe a humicorn?????) with a unique gift, talent, purpose, passion, and destiny. You are the only one who can do what you do, because your soul is in your body, not someone else's. So truly, what is there even to compare?

1. ?? Catastrophizing - When we catastrophize, our mind conjures up the worst case scenario and it can grip us with fear, anxiety, and inaction. As an entrepreneur you've probably done this. Especially if you already quit your teaching day job to pursue your biz full time. But if you have a plan and work your plan, you'll find all the chips ?? fall where you need them to. And when they don't, you pivot. That's literally life. You've been pivoting since the womb, girlfriend!

As we step into the New Year, you can experience a 'new you' of some form. Can you imagine if everyone in your inner circle committed to ditching these habits with you in 2024? How much more productive could we all be? Would you have more joy? Would you experience more gratitude for everything in life?

Your goals and aspirations are valid and worthy of fulfilling! May 2024 be your year! (image: minlwide/Freepik)

Take inventory of your goals and aspirations and compare them to where you are right now. Assess the changes you want to make, research resources, and take action. Hire professionals to assist you along your journey. Acquire an accountability partner. And most definitely, confide in someone you trust.

And when life gets tough don't give up; COMMIT! INNOVATE!

Sure, many people are ditching New Year's resolutions, but resolving to be a better person is one tradition that's worth keeping around. ??

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Jessica Daniel is a digitally-nomadic, world-schooling mama from the Midwest, currently exploring the Middle East. Her company, Teacher's Helper??, provides remote project management and business operations to Teacherpreneurs and Edupreneurs, helping them launch, grow, and scale their businesses and increase their revenue. Jessica is an Early Childhood Educator by trade and holds a certification in Project Management, allowing her to be the strategic partner Edupreneurs trust.


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