New Year, New Work.
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New Year, New Work.

We are leaning into the hard work of creating more low cost opportunities for innovators across the world. Our work has impacted dozens of startups but more importantly now we're impacting sports communities. Below you will find an overview about our efforts to impact sports technologies.


This program was our first post-pivot offering, yes, even we have to adjust course. MCP is a unique double blind virtual event for companies seeking expansion into new geographic markets or new sports, but also benefits executives who value peer-driven discussion in a group format. Some companies use this program for critical market feedback others for sales leads in a business development setting. Deals have been made from this program. Ask us!


Do you know what ecosystem or cluster building requires? It requires supporting government or non-profit entities [PPP] with guidance about how to align resources like complimentary business sectors or influential assets. EMDP focuses on the "top of the funnel", i.e. sports innovation. We support several domestic ecosystem development efforts. Our vision for the future requires casual "hubs" to mature into proven economic development clusters or ecosystems. We engage stakeholders at trade offices, sports commissions, accelerators, and traditional sports assets. Ask for more info!


Last year, while at a conference, we found out that beneficial sports innovation efforts are often disregarded by sporting organizations. They have limited budgets and limited personnel so its not by choice. What can we do? We made a decision to see if we can help lead the national discussion to help sports industry understand innovation and technology best practice. Here is what we did about it...

We quietly began socialized the U.S. Center for Sports Innovation [C4SI]. C4SI is an internal working group for now, but signifies our interest in creating centers of innovation which we believe will help focus and democratize innovation philosophies. USA's Olympic Movement is our first target audience and we've had wonderful responses so far. You'll hear more about our efforts soon!


Last year, we attempted to launch a market intelligence focused content strategy. Well, that did not work out like we had planned. We ran into several issues and have gone back to the drawing room. Here is what we learned and where we are going:

  1. It takes time and knowledge to extract meaningful value from industry happenings. We have the time and knowledge. However, we do not have a solid pool of experts willing to provide the type of analysis we think is necessary to add value to the sector. Is that you?
  2. We have repositioned our boards to lead content with monthly web publishing requirements. What do board partners get in return? Your work is valuable, this is not a newsletter. We offer incentives and perks and even have a shareholders program similar to a co-op or vesting program. Just ask!
  3. We're onboarding partners based on skills and knowledge about devices, platforms, data, etc... if you have worked for a sports property in the past or currently in a sports operations role, we want to speak to you. The format we need is from an analyst viewpoint and the commitment is only two hours a month. You can grow your expertise with us. Want to be a board partner? [email protected]


The Holy Grail for our content strategy requires that we work our way up to a valuable desk reference guide. Our first textbook will address technology challenges and utilization issues in venues, on the training pitch, in the office, or live events. We'll even have a section about innovation adoption models. The book will include perspectives on fan, athlete and brand outcomes for each chapter. Our mission is to get this book into capable hands in every sport. It is titled "The Sports Technologist Handbook" More news about the book soon...

Draft "The Sports Technologist Handbook" Cover


We are still planning our own summit and we will continue to support conferences or other events when they have clear commercial impact. If you want to know where to go this year continue to follow us or, if you have an event you want listed with our socials, please contact us [email protected]



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