New Year New Tools with Webhook and gRPC Stream Coming to Aptos
Lambda256 Co., Ltd.
The blockchain unit of Dunamu (Upbit), #1 Korean FinTech decacorn
Happy New Year! Builders,
What’s your plan for 2025? Are you staying ahead by keeping up with the world around you? It looks like the Web3 space is buzzing with events such as?Consensus 2025 in Hong Kong?and?ETHDenver in the US, both happening in the first quarter.
Just like in 2024, Team Nodit is ready to meet you in person at events across the globe. As we believe these trips aren’t just about expanding our presence, they’re about staying connected to the market. Your opinions and requests matter deeply to us, guiding us as we work to enhance our platform and deliver services that truly meet the needs of builders.
It is a bit funny is that we have received so many requests at the Devcon 2024 last time, but they all seem to be the same!
Developers often face challenges like this:
??????“I have felt inconvenienced by the lack of webhook-related tools while developing on Aptos. One specific scenario was during the implementation of real-time notifications for on-chain event.”
"I had to reply on frequent polling to detect state changes or transaction confirmations because of no webhook support. This was particularly challenging when dealing with time-sensitive applications, such as monitoring smart contract interactions or facilitating user notifications, as it required building custom workarounds to achieve real-time responsiveness.”
??????“We had to use polling instead of retrieving updates directly, which led to slower updates and additional network traffic.”
??????“We would like to get informed and run our serverless function only when if a transaction that involved our contracts or addresses. Right now, we have to continuously polling latest block for the info.
YES! Most of them are requesting "Webhook" and "Stream" functions, particularly ones that can help track events and token/NFT activity. Additionally, we conducted a quick survey to better understand the market, and the results surprised us. 100% of respondents shared that they are dissatisfied and find it inconvenient to build due to the lack of webhook-related tools.
What’s Coming?
To address key pain points and elevate the platform experience within the Aptos ecosystem, Nodit is proud to be the?first infrastructure provider?to offer both?Webhook?and?Stream functionalities! These tools allow to enhance real-time tracking of on-chain events and token/NFT activity, providing builders with the support they need to build faster and more efficiently on Aptos.
Key Features to Look Forward To
Stay tuned for a smoother and smarter dev experience because good tools from Nodit make great builders.
??About Nodit
Nodit is a platform aims to provide reliable node & consistent data infrastructure for scaling your dapps in multi-chain environment. The core technology of Nodit is a data pipeline that performs crawling, indexing, storing, and processing of blockchain data, along with a reliable node operation service. With processed blockchain data, developers can leverage on-chain and off-chain integration, advanced analytics and visualization, and even AI modeling to build exceptional Web3 products.
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