New Year, Same Goal
Pinny Gildin
Application Support Analyst with 28 years of experience, including: - Product Support - Data Analysis - Technical Writing/Documentation - User Training - Interoperability
When a woman loses her husband, she's a widow.
When a man loses his wife, he's a widower.
When a child loses his parents, he's an orphan.
When a parent loses their child, there is no word.
Since my wife Karen and I “fit the mold” for the last of those losing our oldest daughter Alyssa Lauren/Elisheva Leora at 9 month of age, we have heard countless stories from friends, family members, and others who had experienced the same.
Through it all, the Chai Lifeline organization was front and center to help us ( ). What this organization did for us and continues to do for almost 5,000 families across the globe is nothing short of remarkable. They provide meals, counseling, trips for siblings. There is also Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special which serves the needs of those battling cancer, and other debilitating handicaps.
Now as we have entered the New Year 2018, I have committed in my daughters memory to raise much needed funds for this worthy organization and run in the Miami Marathon on January 28,2018 . I am doing this to give back to honor my daughters memory, and give other kids and their families a chance to experience life without the daily struggle.
I have committed to raise $20,000. I have already raised over $18,000 towards that goal. I am asking you to please help me reach this milestone with a few hundred dollars left to raise.
Click the link below to go to my fundraising page:
All contributions are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for taking the time to read this note, and may we see the day when illness is eradicated from this world. I ask of you as a LinkedIn connection, and friend to PLEASE DONATE AND SHARE! Together we can do this!G-d Bless/Tizku L’mitzvos/ Gracias/Spaceba!