New Year, New Projects!
Let's be honest, January gets some pretty bad rap. It's cold, it's dark, it's damp and if you're lucky enough to live in West Yorkshire, it doesn't even snow when it's supposed to. ????
Joking aside, January is often a dull month for many of us, but it's also a great opportunity to get our heads in gear for the year ahead.
And here at Bespoke Plaster Mouldings, we were lucky enough to kick off the year as we mean to go on - with a number of awesome projects!
The new year is synonymous with new beginnings and we started the month by bringing new life to something old, crafting this match to an existing Cornice as part of an ongoing restoration project.
Ready for a reveal? Introducing our Large Acanthus Scroll Corbel.
They say size doesn't matter... But when it comes to sheer magnitude of this Large Greek Key Cornice, we can't help but be a little bit smug. ??
Patterned with an Ancient Greek symbol meaning infinity and finished with two lighting troughs, this impressive Cornice is a great match for existing greek or similarly styled features.
Ever wondered how we craft a Ceiling Rose? In our latest video, Plaster Master, Joanne, and her pawsome assistant, Eddie, talk us through the process of creating a Floral and Dentil Ceiling Rose, answering a number of frequently asked questions.
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