New year with new objectives.
Hooman Loghman, MBA
Business Analyst (IT focused - MBA from McMaster University and BSc in computer engineering)
Hi folks.
This is 2019 and time really flies by. Happy New Year. All glad tidings and my best wishes for everyone.
People divide the time into some certain periods, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons and years. In almost all cultures, people celebrate a New Year and a customary thing is the New Year’s resolution. They promise to themselves to accomplish or achieve something in the New Year, on the first day of it. They basically do so by reviewing the past and their successes and failures, and also by checking their visions and setting their goals for the future. Another occasion which is used for this purpose is people’s birthdays. However, the New Year is a better occasion for this, because it is a moment that occurs for everyone simultaneously, and is collectively recognized and unanimously accepted by the majority of people.
Regarding that, the New Year is a time to reset our objectives. We get wiser and more experienced and we can better check our previous objectives and accomplishments, set new goals, reset the former or current ones, or decide to pursue them with a new and more proper approach. Normally the older and wiser we become, the more people rely and count on us.
Now, how to go about this? We should initially have a clear picture of our condition. In order to do so, these questions must be carefully considered and appropriately answered:
What are my passions and aspirations?
What are my goals and objectives?
What are my intentions, purposes and agenda?
What are my strengths and weaknesses?
What are my successes and failures?
What have I learned from my successes and achievements, and shortcomings and failures?
What are the barriers and obstacles on my path? How can I overcome them?
What is my road map and action plan?
When and what are my checkpoints to review and audit my performance and results, and how can I do so?
How do I want to surpass myself, then help and support others to do so? What are my achievements in this respect?
How big is and will be the area of my inspiration and influence? My kith and kin? Immediate family? Distant relatives? Acquaintances? Partners? Colleagues? Etc. etc.
This is a shortlist of the highlighted questions which can lead us to the most significant answers and important points. Nevertheless, some other relevant questions can be added to it and then answered.
All in all, I believe we should constantly and continuously monitor and assess our performance in order to improve our decisions and enhance our actions. Nonetheless, some special occasions like the New Year are very suitable times to have our checkpoints in. Finally, I once heard a very famous saying which has inspired me so much and I would like to share it with you, here, and it goes,” Each and every day is the birthday of the rest of our life.”
Have the best in your life.