The new year note. 4 tips to simplify life in 2024!

The new year note. 4 tips to simplify life in 2024!

?? A warm hello to the LinkedIn community.

?? I hope everyone is doing great in their lives and businesses.

?? I wish you a lot of growth, success, and prosperity.

?? We are all set to say goodbye to the year 2023. Goodbye 2023!

?? And we all are set to welcome the new year 2024 with hopes of positivity, growth, success, well-being, and certainty.

?? I wish everyone a happy and prosperous New Year 2024. May this year bring happiness, prosperity in your business, optimism, and lots of hope.

This year I am on a noble mission to create 1000 occult entrepreneurs and touch more than 1 million lives through my consultations and lectures on Youtube. You can be part of this noble mission as well.

?? This newsletter is a note to everyone out there to help you get the best out of the coming year 2024. I will be sharing the 4 tips for living a more fulfilling life in 2024. At the end of this newsletter, you will feel empowered to take on new challenges and invite happiness to your life.

?? No, I am not going to talk about resolutions that are made on the 31st night and broken in a week.

?? I am not gonna talk about setting a goal of becoming a millionaire and diluting it within a month.

?? I am not gonna speak about anything that is superficial and does not create an impact in your life.

??? I am going to talk about what creates a difference in your life.?

?? I wanna talk about being actionable and getting what you always aspired for in your heart. I wanna help you figure out a simple, sorted, and impactful approach to tackle some of the biggest problems and issues in your life.

?? Let’s start. It would be great if you could get your 100 percent attention on this newsletter. This will keep you ahead of 90 percent of people who just read and never act.

?? In the past 3 years, we all witnessed a lot of challenges and stood the test of time. The global pandemic brought a halt to everything for quite some time making humanity suffer. We saw job losses, deaths, problems, and struggles, and every one of us has our own set of pain that we have in our hearts.?

?? Then we saw the changing world order and geopolitics taking a new shape leading to wars and instability across the globe. It again led to a lot of disruptions in trade, commerce, business, start-up ecosystem, and capital flows.

?? In 2023 there was a huge funding crunch and companies laid off more than 10 lakhs of workforce globally. In India alone there were massive job cuts. With the advent of AI, jobs have been reduced and it’s a reality that every one of us has to acknowledge, accept, and live by. Times are tough and this has led to an increase in problems. It has led to an increase in mental health problems, The declining happiness index even reflects that people are not happy and there is chaos in life.

?? These things are going to stay for some time due to uncertainties prevailing in the world economic space.?

?? The list of problems and uncertainties is long and unending.

? What’s the best way to deal with these problems and lead a happy life??

?? The best way is to first sit with yourself and have a conversation with your inner being.

? Don’t be in a rush and hurry. There is a huge difference between living a life and happily living a life. There is a huge difference between sleeping and perfect sleep. Most of us nowadays don’t sleep well. As a result, I remain frustrated throughout the day.

?? The 4-step formula to be the best version of yourself and make 2024 the best year of your life.

1. ??Know yourself better -? Often the problem is that you don’t know yourself. And when you don’t know yourself, then you are not sure of your potential, and when you are not sure of your potential, then you are always stuck. You are denying yourself those opportunities that are waiting for you to challenge and achieve. Start sitting with yourself every day for at least 20 minutes. It’s better if you sit with a diary and start writing your thoughts.

2. ??Set your finances - The world nowadays is capitalist, and money is the fuel to drive you to the greatest extent. You need money for a healthy lifestyle, better education, better living conditions, and a speedy workflow. That’s the truth we all know. More than 80 percent of people are unhappy due to their failures in meeting financial goals. Most of them are in huge debt due to poor financial management. So from the very next day start tracking your finances first and then make a plan for achieving all your financial goals. Earn more, invest more, get higher returns, and ultimately build assets that can feed you in tough times. Sounds interesting?

3. ??Get out of the sinking ship-? You are going to drown and die if you are on a sinking ship. Many people write to me over various social handles about their problems in careers, relationships, families, and overall life. And I always suggest a simple before my consultations. I ask them to check if they are on the sinking ship. If yes then I ask them to get out of it immediately. And then I show them the way and do the handholding to reach the shore. I help people solve their problems by using the power of occult sciences like Astrology, Numerology, Graphology, and Wristwatch analysis and therapy.

4. ?? Small wins are gateways to bigger victories- The most common reason people are unhappy with their lives is the setting of goals that are highly superficial and are made just out of emotional outbursts. It starts with a small thought, then you overthink it, and due to an emotional outburst on social media, you set the goal. Enthusiasm drops within a week and you are back on square 1. The solution is to set the small goals. Set goals daily, achieve them for a month, and then set weekly goals and then set monthly goals. After some time, you will feel very very confident and can handle bigger goals as well. That’s the path to long-term success.

??This will help you simplify your life and help you achieve what you want. That’s the formula for living a fulfilled life.?

??Let’s welcome 2024 with high hopes and a practical approach towards solving some of the toughest problems of our lives. Let’s transform to what we always aspired for.?

??I help people transform their lives by using the power of occult sciences like astrology, numerology, and graphology.?

?I have invented the wristwatch analysis and therapy for life transformation in India after deep study and research. You can try that too because a wristwatch is something fundamental in everyone’s wrists.?

??I also help companies and start-ups design their scientific logos which can bring profits to the business and reflect their vision.?

??Please comment on how you feel after reading this newsletter. I am sure you must be feeling good.

??If you're stuck in your life, if change is not happening, and you want a change to happen then let’s connect and speak once.

??You can DM me or send a text at 9175399625/9175119296.

?? Follow me on my social handles for amazing content on occult sciences.

?????? Please like share, and subscribe to the newsletter!

??♂?Take the first step, rest everything will follow you on the journey!

? See you in the next newsletter.

This year I am on a noble mission to create 1000 occult entrepreneurs and touch more than 1 million lives through my consultations and lectures on Youtube. You can be part of this noble mission as well. DM me for this!

With utmost dedication to your success.

Happy New Year 2024, Cheers to the coming 366 days!

Sudhir Kove

Wristwatch analyst |?? Logo Guru| ?? Astrology |

?? Numerology| ?? Graphology


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