New year new me?

New year new me?

It's that time of the year, a brand new beggining. Exciting!

First page of a 365 pages blank book and it's your to write.

Opening any social media platform on the first week of January is like entering into a surprise party. (Almost) everyone is bustling with happiness, excitment but above all motivation. It's a like a wave rushing through you and it's impossible not to get caught up in it. Human nature!

We cling to new begginings like they are magic - and they can be! - but in these exciting times we tend to forget your life does not change unless you do. Yes this is a blank book but it's up to you to both write it and be the main character on it.

It's not uncommon that most of our new years resolutions are all but forgotten once the january blues settle in. We wake up one week into the new year and notice that everything is pretty much the same it was the last week of december. Motivation fades and the extensive resolution list gets smaller, it's easier to find excuses not to go through our original plans and the cycle repeats year after year.

The thing is, motivation on its own will get you nowhere - sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Motivation fades, we are comandeered by results and if we don't get them in the time frame - very often unrealistic - we set ourselves we tend to give up. Again: Human nature!

What really gets you where you want to go is: CONSISTENCY & proper planning. Yes, write your resolutions as big as they are. Do you plan on getting a new job? Starting a new hobby? Getting in shape? Those are great, but they are vague and can be overwhealming. Instead, plan on those. Break them down into smaller pieces.

Getting a new job? Step 1) Update your CV; Step 2) Invest time in training (be specific, what skill do you want to learn, how much time can you spend on it); Step 3) Network (engage with 2 new people per month? perhaps per quarter?). Tick these down as you acomplish them. Take notes. Adapt your plan to life changes - these happen and priorities shift - but stay consistent.

Write a page on your blank book everyday. Create a checks & balances plan to keep you accountable. Share your plans with close ones and celebrate your acomplishments big or small.

New year new me? Not really, but definitelly new year better me! You got this!

Check this helpful guide 5 steps to create a habit, according to science | CNN


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