New Year - New Habit
Nino Berdznishvili
Founder/CEO at Bright Minds /Caucasus Association of Logotherapy and Existential Analysis & Caucasus-Asia Doula Association
New Year is the best time for the new beginning. ??
How to form a habit and how much time do we need? ??
First of all here are the reasons why we can't stick to a habit: ???♀?
? It's a difficult habit.
? You don't like doing it.
? You took on a large number of habits at once and it's difficult for you to focus.
? In a parallel with this, a lot of events happen in your life.
? You've lost your routine.
? You are not motivated to a change.
? You dissuade yourself.
? You missed a day or two and are overwhelmed with it.
Now when you know what keeps you from moving, here are the simple rules to follow: ??
? Take one habit at a time.
? Start from a little.
? Do it once a day.
? Focus on the beginning.
? Enjoy the process.
? Watch your thoughts.
? Don't miss two days in a row.
? Be responsible.
Remember to praise yourself and celebrate even the smallest achievements! ??
Repeat the action for 21 days. You ask - "What is the magic of 21 days?" It has the scientific basis. Our brain needs exactly this amount of time to form the new neural connections and as a fact - a new habit. ??
Keep repeating the action within 40 days and the habit will be fixed in by ???
I'm challenging myself for a new useful habit ??
Are you with me? ???♀?
#HappyNewYear2021 #Coaching #psychology #challenges #habit #brightminds #21dayschallenge