Reshma Field
Helping the people of Swindon get their Wills drafted in a professional, easy and cost effective way! Book your appointment today!
New Year resolutions. We’ve been making them and breaking them since time immemorial. As the ever-faithful Wikipedia points out, the ancient Babylonians did it. The Romans began each year by making promises to the god, Janus, from whom January gets its name. The Mediaeval era saw knights, at the end of each Christmas season, take the ‘peacock vow’ to reaffirm their commitment to chivalry. And we’re still making them – and breaking them – all these centuries later. But I have to talk to you about one resolution you should absolutely make – and absolutely not break. That of getting your Will done!
Be full of Resolve – it’s not as scary as you might think
I don’t want to burst the cosy post-Christmas bubble but: tomorrow isn’t promised. So, even if you don’t do resolutions. Or if you do, you call them something else, make 2019 the year that, at last, you get around to updating or doing for the first time, your Will. With help from me of course! Though I am obviously biased, I do want you to get your Will written. And not for my personal gain alone! But because it matters.
Make 2019 the year you make sure you’ve got everything in place to:
1. Take care of your loved ones in the event of something befalling you.
2. Ensure they know what your wishes are in such a scenario
There’s nothing to fear
When someone does pluck up the courage to see me I so often see trepidation and fear on their faces. ‘Will she understand what I’m saying?’. ‘Will she baffle me with legal jargon?’ ‘How can I make all the decisions I need to make?’ I see all these questions flit across the client’s face. I even see – and get asked - ‘Will I die now that I’m getting my Will drawn up?’ It’s a common superstition in people getting their Will written because they feel it’s tempting fate. Of course, the answer to all these questions is ‘NO’. Well, okay, I can’t guarantee anything on the last one. Aside from the fact it would be pure coincidence!
The process is, I promise you, 99% easy peasy. And the bits that are not so easy peasy I’ll explain to you in an easy peasy way. It’s neither my job nor my intention to bamboozle you with legal jargon. Rather it’s my job to explain to you and to advise you on how best to write your Will and tackle any difficult decisions.
If you’re convinced already give me a call on 07538 946 839 or drop me an email at [email protected]
Not feeling ready yet? Read my blog on Seven Reasons to Write a Will Now