New Year, New Goals, New Focus
"Working, building, and growing together."

New Year, New Goals, New Focus

New year, new goals, new focus, same discipline and attention to detail; the winds of change are blowing towards progress; we cannot assume we can solve old or new problems the same old way. We simultaneously prepare for the rise of artificial intelligence, which will fundamentally change the existence of the human condition. We must adapt and evolve or face irrelevance and potential extinction. Change is upon us; welcome to the Crucible of the future. We are experiencing tremendous change. The Fourth Industrial Technical Revolution is a watershed moment for humanity, and geosocial, political, and economic headwinds shape human existence by the passing seconds. We must recognize the impact of these changes and work together to adapt and evolve to remain relevant and thrive in the face of these challenges.

I have frequently said anything worth doing, is worth doing well and doing right. Striving for perfection is unrealistic, but striving for excellence means you can be at your best when your best is required, which requires focus and discipline. The first step in getting what you want is to be clear on what you don’t want. By reducing the “white noise,” setting clear goals, and prioritizing your tasks, you can more effectively manage your time, our most valuable resource. It's becoming increasingly clear that what's old is becoming obsolete, while what's new is quickly becoming commonplace, thanks to the impact of technology.? How we respond collectively as a species in the next 3-5 years will undoubtedly change the course of humanity.?

We must remain open-minded and adaptable in the face of these changes to continue to innovate and create a better future for ourselves and future generations. “Top performers pursue transformations differently from their peers in a few critical ways: they are more likely than others to anchor their technology and digital strategies in their overall business strategies, they report greater effectiveness at building environments that foster organizational change, they are more likely to invest in foundational technologies.” (McKinsey & Company., July14th, 2023)

“Entrepreneurship is for anyone but not for everyone.” Every startup builder and entrepreneur must hear and take to heart the message that when elephants dance, the grass takes a beating. More simply stated, in almost every instance where the big guys wake up and wade in, the little guys lose. Sometimes, it's just mountains of money; occasionally, it's lobbied legislation or new regulations that abruptly and unfairly tilt the playing field; sometimes, the nature of the emergent technology dictates a "winner take most" kind of outcome, and other times it can be quiet collusion among the market leaders that skews the situation.

(1) Stay Simple: “Think big but start small.”

(2) Stay Low: “Fly under the radar for as long as possible.”

(3) Stay Focused: “Concentrate; “when everything is important, nothing is important.”

(4) Stay Small: “Leverage organic revenue growth as quickly and as much as possible to grow and scale.”

(5) Stay Lean: “ Becoming top heavy and growing too quick too fast can create gaps in efficiency and reduce value brought to market.” (Tullman, H., July 5th, 2023)

As the winds of change blow towards progress, we must recognize that we can no longer assume that old or new problems can be solved using the same old methods. Instead, we must adapt and evolve to remain relevant and avoid potential extinction. Furthermore, as we prepare for the rise of Artificial Intelligence, we must understand that it will fundamentally change the human condition in ways we cannot fully comprehend. Most innovators and creators see reality through a different lens. The best ones build worlds that the rest of us inhabit; the transcendent ones accomplish this while solving critical issues of their time. By being extremely clear on the fundamentals of a subject. A passion for problem-solving and a focused work ethic. Concentrate on what has been similar throughout history and reimagine if it still makes sense in today’s time. If so, can it be improved upon? How so? If not, what has taken its place, or where is the opportunity for improvement and innovation??

It's true that the more familiar we become with something, the better we understand it. However, it's also true that familiarity can breed contempt, leading to a loss of objectivity over time. It's important to recognize patterns or gaps in the system that may limit productivity, performance, and progress. By doing so, we can maintain a fresh perspective and continue to make informed decisions that drive positive outcomes. Understanding our top priorities, where our current focus is, and what we are collectively planning to do next is what separates top performers in any area or specialty with the ability to focus harder and for longer on what is most important in that particular moment with technology as a lever. By embracing change and focusing on innovation, we can work towards creating a better future for ourselves and future generations. And start the new year with new goals, focus, and results that drive change.


McKinsey & Company., (July14th, 2023) Five key questions to get a tech transformation right.? Retrieved October 9th, 2023, from

Tullman, H., (July 5th, 2023)In a World Ruled by Giants, Staying Small May Be the Smarter.?

Play | Retrieved October 9th, 2023, from

Absolutely inspiring! ?? Remember as Walt Disney once said, "If you can dream it, you can do it." Your big, hairy, audacious goals are the first step towards making a significant impact. Speaking of making a mark, Treegens is sponsoring a Guinness World Record for Tree Planting that you might find intriguing: Let's grow a greener future together! ?? #Treegens #MakeADifference #GoGreen



