New year goal setting
Sini?a Drobnjak
Founder @D Business Leadership Group @DentalDNA Owner @SD Informatika @Dentalni Megastore
It’s that time of the year again.
Usually we take a look back at the year behind us and try to figure out what really happened, what we did well and what we did wrong and can do better.
And then we turn our sight and focus to the year in front of us - deciding what we want to achieve in the upcoming 365 days.
Enjoying the days around Christmas time, we feel good as we spend more time with our family and loved ones.
And then on a sunny morning sipping our coffee in the warmth of our home, looking at the Christmas tree, we decide to set our goals for the next year, which is about to start.
We take our journal or notebook and we start to write down our goals and wishes.
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So, how do we make sure that this time around, we don’t go back to our old ways and give up on our goals?
First step is to find a strong purpose and reason why we must do it. We have to ask the hard question - “What will our life look like if we give up and don't do it?â€
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Because it is right in that split second when we give up on our goal, we also lose a piece of ourselves. And then we have to fight back 10 times harder to reclaim that piece of our soul back.
Finding the right purpose and reasons require going deep inside of ourselves and facing our demons.
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Real change is possible, only after we look our fears in the eyes and reclaim that piece of ourselves back. For some of my demons it took me over 10 years to face them and take back what was mine.
Real change is possible only when our weaknesses are disclosed through challenging ourselves and finding that inner strength to overcome one weakness at a time.
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There is no other way if we really want to live the life we envisioned. If we truly care about ourselves, we have to dig deep and find that greatness inside that awaits to be discovered by us. Nobody can do this hard work for us - only we hold to key to our greatness.
Once we do the first step, we have to make this purpose visual and place it all around us. By making it visual, we are engaging the strongest tool in our arsenal - our own mind.
By looking at it day by day, our mind will naturally look for the reasons to support this purpose.
When we decide to buy a new car - a red BMW, our mind will start collecting evidence to support our decision and suddenly we will only see red BMWs as we drive around the city.
We are achieving the same by writing down our purpose and placing it on the fridge, inside our car, in the bathroom - everywhere where we can see it to confirm again and again with our mind, how important it is to us.
I have placed my running shoes in the middle of my living room - so I have to look at them every time I pass around that area of my home.
And finally, we need a support system to make this change sustainable and permanent.
We cannot do anything just by ourselves - we need other people to reach our goals and go further faster.
But, we need to be really careful which people are in our Top 5, as we are their common denominator.
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It is our “inner†circle that can push us to the next level or bring us down.
Very often people come to us and try to bring us down by involving us in their problems or talking down or simply complaining about how unfair life is.
If we would record them on a tape recorder and play their words back to them, it would make them feel very uncomfortable.
As it is in their power alone to take control of their life and face their challenges, as it is for us.
Choosing your “inner circle†is vital for a life worth living, because these people will hold you accountable, will inspire you to become more of what you are, will not tolerate you excuses and will be there for you when life hits you hard. And it will, as it is in the very nature of life to test us again and again.
Prepared mind is not making plans for sunny days only.
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So make your goals non negotiable, find the right purpose inside of you and surround yourself with the right people.
The best is yet to come.
Happy New Year!