A New Year is a "New Cycle of time"
Nilay Shrivastava
Making Digital Transformation offerings with ServiceNow for client and partner success
Whether to have or not have a New Year resolution is the favorite debate that happens everywhere. It’s an individual choice. And you make this choice depending on how much you value growth in your life.
I used to jokingly say that every new year is just another series of 12 salaries and 52 weekends. But lately, I realized that it's much more than that. It's a new cycle of time where we want to see ourselves growing, and making progress in a positive direction.
Should we have new year celebrations? And is it necessary to have new year’s resolutions?
Of course, we should have celebrations, and yes, we must have some resolutions at the beginning of every year.
But is New year the only time to have resolutions? Why can’t we have celebrations every month, week, or day of the year?
Of course, we can have; who is stopping you?
So why do people make such a big deal about New Year's resolutions and celebrations?
The deal is not about the new year's resolutions if you look at it. The big deal is about the?cycle of time.
And regarding celebrations, aren’t you excited about Christmas, Diwali, birthdays, anniversaries, and many other days? Of course, some outliers don’t get excited by such days. But the fact is, not all 365 days of the year are special for you, practically.
Alright .. what’s this “cycle of time” business?
To simplify it, there are two components to the cycle of time:
It’s the second aspect we are scared of and excited about, making us vulnerable too.
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