New Year Cure
It is that time of the year again.After all the festivities have rocked your faculties.Slowly eyeing the room out in a haze of flurry.Overindulged to the point of no return.
Slowly coming to terms with the fact that the party is over.Stress kicks in.The mind starts racing a deluge of thoughts flood a weary brain.Where to next? What to do first?
Best to check the bank balance out last.Suddenly it seems the mind can no longer cope after an extended absence in action.Toxic waste still flooding the patterns of rational thought.
The gym seems miles away.The vitamin cocktail out of reach.The air seems polluted and stale.The mood grim and without solace.
What to do.............crisis of note.................
The solution to all this is surreal.It is so simple .........
As we are living in the 21st century help is fortunately not far off.Time to dust off the earphones and log onto Braintime
A few minutes each day.Within a very short space of time your mind will return to normal.Stress will evaporate.You will be able to think clearly.The fog will lift.
A more unique and simple solution I am yet to come across.
Till next time.