New Year Chaos - HackerRank algorithmic problem - clarifying comments

Hi, guys, I want to discuss an algorithmic problem that's probably easy for most of you, but initially, I found it hard to solve.

The name of the problem is New Year Chaos. It's one of the problems in HackerRank's Solving Interview prep kit.

Here is a link to the problem in HackerRank:

Problem description :


Credits to HackerRank


Initially, I tried to solve it independently but failed miserably.

Then I found this video with kind of good explanation:

Credits to: @Aditya Pandey for the solution that I used.

However I still missed some ideas that the solver (Aditya) had in his mind, so I added some additional comments to his solution when I fully understood the way it works :

     * Complete the 'minimumBribes' function below.
     * The function accepts INTEGER_ARRAY q as parameter.

    /* If we take an input array of numbers:
              Integer[] arr = {2, 1, 5, 3, 4};

    Then the comments in this method apply to the above input array.
    private static void minimumBribes(List<Integer> q) {

        int bribesCounter = 0;
        boolean flag = false;

        for(int i = q.size(); i>=1; i--){

            if(q.get(i-1) != i) { //is the last element different than i (5)

                if((i-2)>=0 && q.get(i-2)==i){
                    //we have single bribe occurring

                    /*this will handle the first two elements
                    at the second iteration of the base for loop.*/

                    //swap the values when we have single bribe
                    int swap1 = q.get(i-1); //latest unordered element that is not in the correct position
                    int swap2 = q.get(i-2); //the element next to the latest element also not in the correct position.
                    q.set(i-1, swap2);
                    q.set(i-2, swap1);

                } else if ((i-3) >= 0 && q.get(i-3) == i){
                    /*first iteration of the base for loop will first
                     fix the last three numbers in the array: which are 5 ,3 and 2

                    //double bribe

                    //i-3 is equal to i and i-2 is not
                    //e.g. 2 1 | 5 (i-3)  3 (i-2) 4 (i-1)

                    //swap operations
                    int swap1 = q.get(i-1); //4
                    int swap2 = q.get(i-2); //3
                    int swap3 = q.get(i-3); //5

                    q.set(i-1, swap3); // 5
                    q.set(i-2, swap1); // 4
                    q.set(i-3, swap2); // 3


                } else {
                    //more than 2 consecutive bribes
                    flag = true;

        System.out.println(flag ? "Too chaotic" : bribesCounter);


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Integer[] arr = {2, 1, 5, 3, 4};

        Integer[] arr2 = {2, 5, 1, 3, 4};
    /*output :
     Too chaotic


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