New Year, New Blessings

New Year, New Blessings

We’ve crossed that threshold where the calendar flips, and we have to remember what year we’re writing on our checks. I trust and hope that most of you reading this have done your planning work and have some BIG goals set for yourselves in 2025. But I must ask you: have you asked yourself the most important question as it pertains to hitting your goals?

The question is, who do I need to become to achieve my goals this year?

You see, you cannot remain the same and expect to hit your goals. That would be called “luck” if you did. You have to change you! The only way to change you is to change the way you think and the way you behave. Thoughts drive behaviors. Behaviors drive action. Action drives results.

In order to get new thinking, you must change your inputs. What do you need to learn? Who do you need as a mentor? Do you need to weed out any friends? In order to enact new behaviors, you need to believe you’re worthy and capable. That’s why the thoughts come before the behaviors.

What in your environment needs to change to drive your behaviors? Do you need to clean your pantry and rid it of all junk food? Do you need a workout accountability partner? Do you need to cancel Netflix or a streaming service?

In order to take action, you must be clear on the steps you’re taking and connect them to why you’re taking them. What action can you take daily that will get you to your biggest goal for 2025? The reason most don’t hit their goals is that they either try to accomplish them with one big swing or they wait too long into the year to really start trying. Don’t be either of those individuals!

If you’re really serious about changing your life or hitting your goals, it must be broken down into daily action. There’s a very important reason that the group Alcoholics Anonymous preaches focusing on ONE DAY AT A TIME. When you seek AA, you’re looking to change your life in a major way. You’re trying to give up something that has gripped your life, and you have a full-blown addiction. All of us have addictions—they may not be as detrimental to our health as alcoholism, but we have them nonetheless.

Perhaps your addiction is your comfort zone. Perhaps it’s fear of the unknown. Perhaps it’s social media dopamine hits. The point is, we have to attack the New Year one day at a time. We’ve all heard the statistics: 70–80% of people who set a New Year’s resolution fall off before February 1st. Will you let that be you?

Your goals can’t be hit by anyone else. Your life cannot be lived by anyone else. It’s your life! What is that ONE daily action that will change your life for the better in 2025? Figure out a tracking system or mechanism for you to account for how many days you win versus how many days you lose.

We’re all human, and we will slip up. Most days, I work out twice per day, but some days I miss entirely. My rule…NEVER miss twice! Because if I miss two days in a row, I’m starting a reverse habit that’s in the opposite direction of my goals—the opposite direction of the best version of me and my best life.

You are worthy of hitting your biggest goals in 2025! You have the capacity to hit your biggest goals in 2025! I believe in YOU, but that pales in comparison to YOU believing in YOU. You have to believe that you are worthy of everything you desire AND you must work every day toward your greatest desires!

“Pray each day like it all depends on God, but work each day as if it all depends on you!”

If there is any way that I can be of help to you in this New Year, please don’t hesitate to ask. It brings me joy to help others think bigger, act bigger, and win bigger!

Let’s win together!

Inspire & Impact,



Josh Kosnick, CLU, ChFC的更多文章

