A New year - A blank canvas!
Wishing YOU Health, Wealth & Happiness in 2017

A New year - A blank canvas!

I really like blank canvasses. Something so clean, untainted and fresh - so full of promise and potential and in the right hands, has the opportunity to be something extraordinary...s

Bob didn't know what to make of the 'less is more' masterpiece

New Year is like that - it helps us reflect and learn from days gone by and to look forward and count our blessings and to make it a real masterpiece. Not without flaws and lessons along the way of course, life is like that....

Keep on keeping on it's far from picture perfect

I have to confess I'm not a massive fan of New Year - several reasons that main one being the heightened sense of expectation setting us up for an often underwhelmed 12 midnight as the countdown jogs on....

' Can we go yet,? We only get paid until Midnight.....'

Call me Captain Dreamer but can't we have that feeling every day? The start of each day is in effect a blank canvas and an exciting time : endless possibilities with a reassuring freshness if we allow it to be!

It's a new dawn, it's time to filter this photo, way too bright!

That's the idea anyway - often far from the case as reality can bite and the game of life rocks on. Then, there's the bank of time gifting us with 86,400 seconds per day and boy does it roll on quickly....

Well it does, doesn't it!?

Especially with all these modern day distractions....


Learning from each experience and taking each blank canvas as a chance to improve, grow and create that masterpiece, whatever it means to you....

In the early days of embarking as an artist, I'd often hang blank canvasses on my studio wall leaving them blank until the time felt right to create something on them....

Studio shot - Filling up the blank canvasses in November 2014

Still applying that method to this day as it's time to reflect on 2016 with the 4th Dubai $ Project TIME, MONEY & CEREAL$ delivered...

I was known as 'Wheat-a bix' for the duration of this one!

Then with what's-his-name running then becoming 45th President of the U.S.A triggering The Disruptives collection...

May 2014 with whats-his name signing the $1 & $2 bills

During one of the most disruptive years ever!

Who'd have thought it? #BREXIT

With a seemingly more number of losses from stage and screen....

With us no longer : Prince & Bowie : Disruptive prints online in 2017

Keep going - You gotta have faith!

Times a Ch-Ch-Ch changing  : My resolutions for 2017

  • To practice mindfulness and value each moment whenever possible
  • To take more of an interest in others - in 2016 this led to several private commissions
  • To make limited edition prints of The Disruptives available online worldwide.
  • To apply the filter of 'is it true, is it kind, is it necessary?'  to all that I do.
  • To pass what I've learnt and other commissions onto other artists to help them establish themselves.
  • To give back to various community initiatives from workshops and painting classes to the power of promotion and networking.
  • To take creative expression from the literal blank canvas of a wall to a larger scale using new materials in new places.
  • To be gentle with myself and those around me : Rest, Food, Exercise & humour!

No really, I don't paint for free!

Do tell - Share yours!

Feel free to share one of your 2017 resolutions here in comments I'd love to read them.

As we head into a New Year, may you be willing to take up that brush and whether it be your first year or your last, may you 'paint' with reckless abandon, whatever it means to you.

Be willing to take risks, try new things and learn from those who learned a few tricks and know the importance of always embracing lessons along the way. Whatever your masterpiece is - I wish you every success and doing more of whatever makes you...

Signing off for 2016 and wishing you Health, Wealth and prosperity for 2017 and beyond, Captain Dreamer....

Continuing to add colour wherever possible....

Meantime if you'd like to get amongst it with a creative and change workshops don't hesitate to drop me a line [email protected], by pigeon carrier, telegraph, fax, phone, postcard, linked in message, billboard, loudspeaker or through channelling intentions of the highest order on your rich journey of self-acutalisation.....

David Gowans

Senior Executive, General Manager, Energy Industry Advisory and Business Consultant

8 年

Great stuff Jim Wheat, well done on your journey from smelling the flowers to superstardom. Happy new year and I hope every day is New Year's Day for you.


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