New year 2020??
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New year 2020??

It is that time of that year for new plans, new goals, new subscriptions, yet they are not new. but we try to reset the machine inside us to reprogram to what we want to become. Science call it "The Mindset."

Did it work?

Yes?? Kindly drop your little secret in the comment below.

No?? Welcome aboard. We are on the same ship.

Honestly! It's ok, for this new year I have my own goals and resolutions too. But I don't want to be too greedy this time.

So, I made sure I don't want to accomplish too many things this year also I have vetted this 2020 into 4 quarters just like every business calendar does. But, the Oompah loompah! factor is.

Voila! I get to celebrate the new year 4 times this year alone! that means I can celebrate a new year party 4 times a year! and I get to treat myself with gifts and make travel plans for 4x times.

That means its 4x reward.

Sounds exciting?? Well to me it sounds super exciting!

But As Google says "The Devil is in the detail"

So let's get our hands dirty and slay the lazy monster before he blows the burning motivation inside us.

  • Slay your new year goals wisely.
  • Dissect and vet your plans and split it into limited doable versions per quarter. so that means you will accomplish 4 goals this new year than doing nothing at all.
  • No matter how interesting and important it may seem to you. Just remember we all have been there. 
  • Doing 1 thing at a time consistently is better than doing nothing at all.

If you have so many ideas rushing inside your brain and if you are not sure which one to prioritize, go grab a notepad and list everything you would want to do including, the ideas on how would you like to treat yourself with that travel plan or Bungee jumping every quarter. "You deserve this".

Remember! its ok to have 1000 ideas inside you. But finish 1 idea out of 1000 and the rest 999 can wait.

If you are able to accomplish as planned for the first quarter. Make sure you treat yourself to allow that little dopamine fella to flow through your veins.

Good luck and happy new to you all. (:

Drop your new year resolution in the comments below for the first quarter and I will make sure I will respond and wish you good luck.


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