New Writing Disorder Issue
The winter 2018-19 issue of the Writing Disorder has just been published. Here are the talented writers and artists included in this edition. Enjoy!
The Ultra Injustice - Scott Bassis
Surprise - William Cass
Suit Yourself - Lindsey Godfrey Eccles
José María Writes a Story - Annette Freeman
Snit’s Wife - Phil Gallos
Meetings - Margaret Karmazin
Nothing Comes Back - Susan Lloy
The Harmacy - Stephanie Mataya
Adrian Cretu
E.G. Ted Davis
M.A. Istvan, Jr.
A.C. O’Dell
Lauren Sartor
Alex Schmidt
J.A. Staisey
Garrison Alecsaunder
In the Eye - Deborah Morris
How to Change Your Name - Jayelle Seeley
Book Review: The Night Ocean
Anna Angrick Illustration
Kathryn Harrison