Nathalie Croz
Nature : Humain, équivalent aux 8 milliards d’autres humains sur Terre - Mission : Amener l’Unité et la Paix - Je suis qui je suis
Let's start from the conclusions of my previous articles:
? The richest people agree to pay a Guaranteed Minimum Income to everyone. Everyone feels much more relaxed on a full stomach. A lot of violence disappears.
? We accept our individual limits. We manage to communicate about our vulnerabilities which increases our prospects for mutual assistance. We progress every day according to criteria of well-being, of increasing our creativity. We get more satisfaction when we achieve our goals, which are now well defined and clearly visible.
? We will admit that the demonstration has been made – we will see it tomorrow – regarding the Justice of the New World Order.
We have acquired a strong sense of justice and fairness. Our governance allows us to be both decision-makers and actors. We consider it essential to our sense of security because we manage our own autonomy, without external domination. All that remains is cooperation and everyone learns from each other.
Some might imagine that jobs deemed difficult would no longer find employees.
It seems quite the opposite to me.
Currently, many precarious employees are fleeing jobs that they would enjoy (working with a dump truck, or methodically tidying up) because society conveys the idea that there are “stupid jobs”: poorly paid, poorly considered. by office workers.
However, on the one hand, there are many countries, like Algeria for example, where garbage collectors are rewarded: in the street, people thank them for doing this work for them.
And on the other hand, with a correct salary – here the Universal Income – everyone would naturally go towards the job that suits their tastes and their best potential.
Let's see how to replace our worries with solutions.
I know my country. I know how difficult it is to imagine such a “miracle” happening.
However, this is where we are heading.
It's a question of state of mind. It turns out that the mind is a muscle that can be worked like any other.
We begin with kind encouragement without knowing what awaits us.
The moment we start to see a small change happening, we are motivated to make them happen. By ripple effect, the whole country is taking action.
Take the example of Carlos Tavares and his 36.5 million euros in annual income.
Given his career, he certainly deserved such a salary.
From the moment everyone receives a Universal Income, it seems to me that no one will be jealous anymore.
However, it could be wise to allow this vintage car enthusiast to pass on his passion at the same time.
At present, it seems that large industrialists have a patenting monopoly. It’s a shame for the limits of creativity that this creates.
Let's imagine the combined solution that we obtain:
? Carlos Tavares transmits his passion.
? It takes a big environmental step thanks to the financing of prototypes combining low-cost and innovative technology.
? It allows many young and old, passionate like him, to FINALLY achieve their “childhood dream”.
Concerning the Olympics, here are several points to consider:
1/ Demonstrations in our country were authorized during the time of the Republic, for the simple reason that we have never been in a real democracy.
From the moment individual and collective needs are listened to with respect; that a fair response is given; there is no longer ANY REASON for other demonstrations to appear on our soil.
2/Concerning the work of the RATP and the SNCF timetables, it is important to recognize our qualities as well as our areas of progress.
A manager is truly good when he recognizes his own limitations by being able to ask for help.
In this case, it seems useful to me to appeal to the international community and its greatest qualities:
? Our German neighbours are better than us when it comes to construction deadlines.
Let’s ask them for help to provide access to all disabled people.
As we are eager to learn from everyone, and we are capable of progressing, the best thing is to share teams so that French people from all departments learn from them.
? Our Japanese friends are very good when it comes to train timing.
Let's ask them how they do it.
3/ Since we will all receive the Guaranteed Minimum Income; hoteliers no longer have any reason to increase their prices during certain periods.
This is also valid for a whole range of activities: SNCF or aviation transport, services and purchases of goods, public works.
? A room in a hotel will have the same price all year round, which will avoid planning for a vacation 6 months in advance and going backwards on the big day.
? Communities will be able to undertake the necessary renovations without endangering the accounts of their citizens.
? National solidarity will be ensured towards our students and the most deprived who will be able to find fair accommodation in all the cities where they wish to do so.
4/ Concerning the Seine, it seems important to me to involve our industrialists, our farmers and all the inhabitants who border the river. Without an interdependent vision of water management, we miss the real long-term challenges.
All this questions me. I would be happy to get an answer to this question:
“In terms of health hygiene for athletes having nautical events, would it not be better to plan their activities in the ocean or on suitable waterways? ?
5/ Everyone’s safety comes before the splendour that we imagine of a Sun King parading on the Seine.
There is no point revealing a ceremony this far in advance. We will all be very happy to have a surprise at the last moment.
Likewise, this whole organization with these QR codes, these roadblocks, these even more strained and tired police officers, seems from another time. We know well that:
? Apple and all telephone merchants are already able to listen to us 24/7. Moreover, the Chinese have developed a facial recognition system which makes it possible to intercept a suspicious individual in just a few minutes.
? Our credit cards already communicate all our information and our individual purchasing habits.
? Although particularly poorly perceived now, Israelis also have security qualities (Krav Maga training and management of post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD).
Before generating massive rejection from our population, it is important to assess the long-term appeal of such a measure:
? The surveillance system in Paris and all other territories would provide security for games, but also for women, homosexuals and all people who are more likely to be attacked.
No one should ever again be harmed based on their beliefs.
? This would help prevent child abductions by paedophiles or other predators. They will be able to taste the joys of independence by picking up stickers themselves at the local store.
The serenity of letting our children move freely would also allow us to create better bonds and regain trust.
? Find our elders lost through inopportune memory gaps.
There are many families where caregivers are oppressed by the mental burden. Imagine that protecting our elders is everyone’s business!
In short, the security question lies at the level:
? The trust we have in each other, and particularly for our Governance.
? Our potential for development, education, and imagination.
? World peace ensuring the end of war on every part of our Planet.
Tomorrow we will see how to put in place such Governance, which is both human and Fair for each of us.