“...New World, New Record Renewal...â€
“...At this Time, the up down vantage point in Zombieland’s Dispatch, is on a Friday after Five on the Thirteenth, there is no clandestine information...â€
â€...Little Sister got here just in Time, I went ahead and threw a landline 'fore I went and lost my mind to dream about someone y’all loved once upon a Nostradamus Number...â€
“...cause there's credits in the bank and tomorrow's Saturday, to indicate an unidentified crash was anything but an inception of superstition...â€
“...it was a complicated complex accident, going up down, up, down, up down range is just writing on a wall like an Egyptian, it said ‘Amen’...Earth, Wind and Fire dancing in September...â€
â€...remember November, Thirteen hours later, tonight there’s twin voyagers in a field of spooky quantum leap dreams that are gonna be raising a whole lot more than Cain and Abel, dancing to a Bullet and Gun...â€
â€...they can turn this parking lot into a party, with an ice chest, prancing around with cold beer, Thirteen colonies, Thirteen countries, are considered to be troops to the [BFE], still rolling around with burnt diesel, scrambled sulfur and eggplant mixture of the way I talk...â€
â€...Dude, we live it up, down, up, down the scent of Satan cooking breakfast with the United States, making up the largest contingent avenues of orange agents, triggering loss of consciousness of free birds, five minutes in deep sleep at this bar...â€
“...American nights head bopping up, down, up, down after a burger wrap, Roasted chipotle pepper seasoning with salsa, pepper Jack cheese, sour cream, and jalape?os...â€
â€...Rumor has it, those responsible drinking the Whiskey Glasses, could not have written biblical dialogues without the cooperation and candor of long-standing lone-stargazers...â€
“...they made a last call in messiah survivor songs monitoring troops on Earth from Sea, Aerospace, Landmarks and those ones in their Sleep, contributing to virtual drones, a homeland Eagle eye view of the Thirteenth hour of battle in more than my hometown...â€
â€...monitoring troops along the borders and ensuring the freedom of the navigation between Time and Space, through the Wrath of the Titans by a man of the south...â€
“...P.S...This little sister was dreaming about Big Brother Chris Kyle, and unpremeditatedly conjured his Brothers in arms with my footprints in the sand...â€
“...it was off a money shot from the dark side of the moon...â€
â€...resurrected them from all the Gods, all the Heavens, and all the Hells Bells within me...â€
“...there's some days that I wake up from yesterday, I can't remember what I am, I’m just a ghost in a shell...â€
â€...I did some things in my sleep, this mostly involved straightforward [TNT] with various firing assessments...â€
â€...the practical magi magic happened off an island of king of beers in a righteous training schedule to complete a thirteenth century mile run along a beer beach and back from broken dreams from where I will be... â€
â€...I don’t regret a few things that happened to a few good men, but I really don't give a damn about the witch’s spells...â€
“...but the overall messiah message is crystal skull clear, an unlikely reunion of twin tribals loyalists, remain intense dreaming to whatever it takes...â€
â€...to dream about a hard rock band to power up to hell and back with strife in the USA Today’s rejection...â€
“...here I am, the world has always been an unknown thing, we never know what comes to life tomorrow, maybe one day his ghost brothers will all get back together in spirit...â€
â€...and take out other identifiable object with Demon fire...â€
“...somewhere, I remember little sister was in Texas on the highway to hell six, six ,six...“
“...I forgot what it's like to feel safe, secured, beloved and protected by big brothers ghost, I know I can see Heaven up there, I know that it's real, I just wanna say little sister got you guys...â€
“...for better or worst, I’ll make sure they all get in, y’all best believe that’s a promise, I'll make it happen in mind, body and spirit, hell yeah through the mists of time travel...â€
“...I can't heal all the broken hearts, I left so many ghost brothers behind in my sleep, baby sister was on the highway and I realize I was chosen to keep big brothers demons happy...â€
“...I‘ve lost all sense of time and space in no man’s land who pretends to walk on holy water...â€
â€...so I drift into the night tryna help their sorrows fall asleep, it might be wrong, but that's alright 'cause they will all get better in the Operation Warp speed in Time magazines...â€
â€...borrowed from an unsealed wild reputation, I’m dreaming of an asteroid the size of a bus that missed Earth by just 140 miles (286 km) on Friday 13th, a space rock, dubbed '2020 ZT8', by the Asteroid ExtraTerrestrial-impact Last Call Alert System on Mauna Loa...â€
“...some call me a lost soul, some call me awesome, but that's okay, I think what I want, I say the tears I’ve cried, I’ll survive, what I will say to big brothers ghost is I’m Alive...â€
“...I've always kept my dreams real for a legendary man of the south, when their systems down, coincidentally, 2020 ZT8 will not be the only asteroid to visit Earth on a Friday 13th...â€
â€...every time I hear those radioactive songs, baby sister is bleeding big brotherly love, dubbed an Apocalypse, it’s expected to pass close by Earth on Friday April 13th, 2029...â€
â€...those songs still sound like a shot in the dark, like a fresh of breathe air, for comparison, earth scientists believe that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs 666 million years ago was around 13.7 miles (22.1 kilometres) wide...â€
“...Jesus said to her in a dream Psalms John [11:13.], I am the resurrection of when the bodies hit the floor with all the King of Beers...â€
â€...The one who believes in me will live, even though they died and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe in the Dangerzone?..."
â€...Yes, Lord, I was lost and found...", little sister replied...â€
â€...I believe that you are the King of all Beers, and the other Suns of Bitches, who is to come into the world as weapons of mass and energy destruction that are divinely ready in the USA Today, painted Code Red, White and Blue...â€
â€...Hash tag, The Great Awakening, historically conspiracy theories have thrived people who are out of power, so one can imagine dragons gaining greater potency when Jesus got kicked out of his seat at the last supper, reaching an audience of more than [88] million followers with LinkedIn post of stone hearts and hand grenades...â€
“...including some that has been flagged or blocked from circulation because of truth...â€