New World Manifesto on Science, COVID-19 and Healing
New World Manifesto
A Question for Science, COVID-19 and Healing
I am just a middle aged Chinese foreign student in London, United Kingdom. I am quarantined at home. I am worried, frustrated and confused. I am deeply impressed by the resilience of the British People, a spirit, I believe, forged by Second World War.
China has announced the Chinese medicine that can cure COVID-19 with more than 90 percent successful rate for the patients with all kinds of symptoms and almost no negative aftereffects. And in China to cure a patient with serious situation by western medical treatment costs around 16,000 pounds while Chinese medicine costs only 20 pounds with much better successful rate! I tried to introduce this to many of our friends, and many of them immediately say, ‘It is not science!’
I started to question. What is science? Is there only one system of science? If there is only one system of science reveal all the truth and the unknown? I have full respect to the western science which is the core momentum for our development in the world! But from this COVID-19, I do see there is a limitation of the science to see the whole truth of the world, just like we still cannot explain dark energy and dark matter.
I have to ask what is blinding us from seeing the truth?
1. We really need to see the limitation of our sciences to really understand what we do not know and different logics for us to explore new possibilities. With this I believe, human civilization can take a great step forward!
2. It is time to go beyond our limitations to forge a win-win and complementary cooperation between western medicine and non-western medicine (traditional medicine of all countries including China) for COVID-19. Vaccine is also important and Chinese medicine can really save time and resources for the western medicine to develop vaccine with sufficient quality and quantity to finally defeat this pandemic.
3. We can only have true sustainability and true healing from this pandemic if we can really establish three pillars of efficiency, equality and profitability among different systems of science, different cultures and different peoples.
With this question, I share with you the English (I tried my best to translate the Chinese version, but I am not professional Chinese doctor. Please refer to the Chinese version for accuracy and consult the professional Chinese doctor for usage, especially for patients with other illness) and Chinese version of the prescription of the Chinese medicine to cure COVID-19. For people in London, please consult professional Chinese doctor in Beijing Tong Ren Tang London Branch 00442072870098, 124 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WIV7DJ, U.K.
清肺排毒汤 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Soup for Lung-Heat Clearance and Detoxification
麻黄9g,炙甘草6g,杏仁9g,生石膏15~30g (先煎),桂枝9g,泽泻9g ,猪苓9g,白术9g、茯苓15g,柴胡16g, 黄芩6g,姜半夏9g,生姜9g,紫菀9g,冬花9g, 射干9g,细辛6g,山药12g,枳实6g ,陈皮6g,藿香9g。以上21味中药饮片,水煎服,每天1剂,早晚两次,饭后40分钟温服。如有条件,服药后可加服米汤半碗至一碗。3剂药一个疗程。石膏用量随发热情况加减。
Ephedra 9g, Radix glycyrrhizae preparata 6g, Almonds 9g, Raw Gypsum 15 ~ 30g (decocting first), Cassia twig 9g, Rhizoma alismatis 9g, Polyporus 9g, Atractylodes 9g, Poria 15g, Radix bupleuri 16g, Scutellaria 6g, Rhizoma pinelliae 9g, Ginger 9g, Aster 9g, Flos farfarae 9g, Belamcanda chinensis 9g, Asarum 6g, Rhizoma Dioscoreae 12g, Fructus aurantii immaturus 6g, Pericarpium citri reticulatae 6g, and Agastache rugosus 9g. The above 21 TCM decoction pieces should be decocted with water, 1 dose per day, twice a day, morning and night. Take it 40 minutes after meals when the decoction is lukewarm. If possible, add half to one bowl of rice soup after taking the medicine. 3 doses for a whole course of treatment. The amount of gypsum can be increased or decreased, depending on the fever.