New World Group Virtual Internship Programme: Is it worth applying?

New World Group Virtual Internship Programme: Is it worth applying?

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HKCareers每日都收到唔少同學查詢,問仲有無Summer Internship可以報,好明白係今年嘅市況同疫情下,大家係有幾咁絕望????但原來到咗呢個時候仲有唔錯嘅實習機會,講緊嘅就係新世界新推嘅遙距實習計劃(New World Group Virtual Internship Programme)!如果你依然未放棄,依然努力緊想Secure Internship,咁就一定唔可以錯過今日篇文,睇下新世界嗰Internship Program內容!


好多同學對Virtual Internship嘅了解可能仲未係好深,會疑惑虛擬實習對CV Building係咪有用??,但同學可以留意以下幾點:

1??遙距實習計劃Virtual Internship一定會係大勢所趨:正如HKCareers之前已經Share過好幾次,好多投行、銀行同金融機構今個暑假都會推行Virtual Internship,而新世界呢個Program可以話係Property Developers 同 Conglomerates係香港首推嘅遙距實習,無論同學之後有咩Career Plan,呢個經驗都可以令到你份CV有更特別同新穎嘅經驗,之後做面試都多啲嘢講呀


2??加位俾同學:由於個計劃形式比較新,HKCareers私底下都有去打探吓Program嘅內容??,得知新世界希望係疫情下俾多啲支援同幫助同學,所以個Program係今年有特別加咗位嘅!無論係香港邊間大專院校,任何major 嘅同學仔都可以報名!


3??不要讓CV留白,要好好把握有嘅機會:苦口婆心提咗好多次,同學請盡量唔好俾自己嘅CV係Summer(甚至係一整年)都空咗,對你下年再搵工會有負面影響!而新世界嗰實習最吸引嘅係:??為期7個星期,時間唔會太短,除咗Online外,其實仲會有onsite visit同training,對於同學做Networking有幫助!??如果表現出色,有機會可以優先參加新世界其後嘅發展活動,換言之再報新世界嘅工會有優勢!??Interns仲有機會體驗到多項有關「創造共享價值Creating Shared Value」嘅項目


俾咗咁多提議同學,有興趣嘅你可以拉落去睇埋其他詳程(小編會放埋條Link係IG story!自己睇實嗰Deadline係6月7日唔好miss啦!)??

// New World Group Virtual Internship Programme // ?? Apply here:

Even apart, nothing can stop us from learning and growing hand in hand! This summer, the New World Group Virtual Internship Programme will provide opportunities for students to gain valuable career exposure across the Group remotely but fruitfully.

Through this 7-week journey, participants are going to:

1?? Closely work and engage with your teammates and supervisors online, and take full ownership of exciting projects and tasks;

2?? Join exclusive business visits; 

3?? Take part in practical e-trainings, and understand how they are practiced across the Group;

4?? Expand your network with the sharing by Executives and support from Buddies;

5?? Understand more about the dynamics and future development of New World Group;

6?? Become an Alumni of New World Talent and gain exclusive invitations for future engagements;

7?? Chance to gain first hand access to join the "My New World Journey 2.0" Campaign for future development opportunities with the Group

We welcome students from all higher education institutions to join us in this Programme! ??????????????

Seize opportunities hidden in the uncertainty, take part in the New World Group Virtual Internship Programme!


// 新世界集團遙距實習計劃 // ?? 立即報名:



1?? 與部門同事及上司在線上緊密合作和溝通,參與具挑戰性的工作項目;

2?? 到集團業務進行參觀及交流;

3?? 通過線上企業培訓學習不同主題,並瞭解集團如何將概念有效實踐;

4?? 擴展個人網絡,並透過「師友計劃」獲得集團高管和同事的親身指導及分享;

5?? 認識新世界集團的最新動向及未來發展方向;

6?? 成為New World Talent的一份子,獲邀參與集團未來活動;

7?? 獲得優先機會加入"My New World Journey 2.0"計劃並於繼續參與集團日後的工作和發展

歡迎各大專院校的同學參加今次計劃 !??????????????


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