A New and Well-tested Way of Teaching
As an educationalist I personally believe, Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge to others in such an effective manner so that learners can fill the gaps and add information while using or producing some innovative and better piece of knowledge.
A good teaching must possess minimum 5 qualities:
a)??? It makes learners understand the logical sequence of pieces of delivered lecture.
b)??? It helps learners to absorb information taught intensely.
c)???? It makes students retrieve knowledge during exams and later in life.
d)??? It brings the best academic results reflecting the efficiency of all; School/College, Teacher and Students.
The drawback of traditional method:
In this day and age, the teaching is compelled to be result-oriented due to competition and commercialization of education. In peer pressure, all agree to keep such dogmatic belief whether they are educational institutions, pedagogues or parents. Conventionally, an educator delivers the lecture in own style and then compels student to rote the answers to write in exam accurately. Teachers’ intentions always remain good but they are bound to be practical also.?
Traditionally, only a few self-motivated students bring very good results, but others fail, either to understand the lecture or to perform well in the final results, due to various gaps in communication in classroom.
What I appreciate about rote-learning is that it do brings results and makes task easy for everyone involved in the process of learning. The difficult part is to indulge students in repetition and making them rote while condemning it. It causes confusion in learners’ mind. Furthermore, teachers remain unnecessarily busy in taking so many tests and maintaining records.
?A few years back, I developed a new teaching process and applied on a group of 15 new students, already preparing for IELTS in conventional way. It improved teacher-student engagement in class as well as results by 25 percent. Parents also liked this approach. Consequently client-satisfaction improved.
?What is it?
I call this technique: Ro-pro-Nom-Inqui-Test-Ro method.
Ro: Make students rote the outline and brief detail of every section (with important vocabulary) of? two lectures on Monday. One whole period is dedicated to rote-learning; meanwhile students are allowed to discuss.
Pro: In next class of the week, teacher delivers the entire process (lecture) in whatever way he/she wants.
Nom: Students have to make notes either by themselves or are delivered by teachers in the same class.
Inqui: Every student needs to ask at least two questions. (in the same class or in the next).
Test: Teacher takes oral/written/subjective/objective test. (In the same week)
Ro: One whole period dedicated to make students cram the complete notes, finally.?
Main 4 benefits over conventional method:
This method
I have adopted this method which is appreciated by my teachers also. However we have to keep enough flexibility in the process as per situation and need of the hour. Still core process is always there to follow.
Being a linguist, I need to make my students practice more so that they can use learnt info for crafting creative-work independently.
If you find this information useful, like and re-post the article (Keeping the credit of my work to me only). Also, share feedback (negative or positive), suggestions and have discussion (if required) for further improvement in the process.