New Way Forward: The Plan
A New Way Forward
This is not going to be an average business proposal quite simply because it isn't for an average business model. To properly present a Holistic Sustainable approach to creating a new business model we must take in as much data as possible to create an environment of maximum accuracy. Especially in this time of “Deflation” and “Evolutionary transformation. To further qualify this we need to look at where we are in our current situation.
To this end I will make a quick over view of the trends and some specific details that are trend indicators. To start with let's take a look at the automotive industry, as it is in the ripe position to take over from oil and gas as the major motivational force behind most sociology-political manoeuvring for the past 140 years. Coal and transportation, ie. Rail, prior to gas and oil. The auto industry has been running rampant in its attempt to establish leadership in the EV emerging market. Exploring options as quickly as possible in this effort. The investments in the supplementary and complimentary supply chains and attempts at vertical integration and parts sharing, not to mention new tech in sensors and “sensory perception”, all have been amazing. The lightening speed of emerging new tech has been impossible for one corporation to effectively keep up. This has led to much greater cooperation between car makers and the consolidation of brands under larger umbrellas or JVC's. This merging of engineering and technology has exponentially increased the speed of new tech. This new tech is just beginning its life as new applications in other fields are also being integrated. In fact, the correlation of technology and its actual basic function being explored for new uses represents an emerging market on its own. The need for new R&D centres is becoming more and more apparent. These centres need not be mega-plants, mega factories. What is needed is local community based R&D with a focus on local applications using local resources and local people.
This leads us to certain issues that have risen in these past few years. Let's start with China and the “I give up” movement that was making news early this year. Disillusioned young people just staying home and not caring anymore. The attitude of, “What's the point?”. This movement has been in the news less and less in these last 2 months however. We will look at why in a moment. First, it is very important to be clear China is most definitely not alone facing this issue. Here in North America there has been a growing number of youth getting into hard core and disruptive noise music. Venting these exact same feelings of their respective counter parts in Asia. In fact this trend has grown to epic proportions in Europe, India, Russia Africa, South and Central America. It is a sign of the state of emotional processing happening around the world. AFTER 2 -3 YEARS OF LOCK DOWN . The mentality of our global youth has changed. Their respective priority criteria has been modified. We all had time. Time to think. Time to ask ourselves what we want from life. For too many the very question of, “do I want to be here or not?” has been pondered. This has led to what may seem unique series of situations, such as not being able to find staff. The problem of staffing has also become a major industrial issue. Then we add into this the shrinking global population combined with a very advanced aging population. In fact, if we believe Elon Musk and several high ranking professionals, we have 3 to 4 generations left at the negative population growth we are currently experiencing. And from talking to my 17 year old and his friends, there are many high school kids today who don't even want to think about sex, much less a family or having children. They are more concerned with why are here? What is the purpose of anything. Maybe this also has something to do with the incredibly high rates of ADHD and AUTISM that have risen in percentage of populations. The over all mental health of our societies has become an alarming and extremely costly adventure. Actually rising to meet the ever growing costs of dealing with climate change. I have personal experience with this as my own home received over $50,000 worth of damage from Hurricane Fiona. And personal experience dealing with slow, often manipulations and stall tactics by the insurance companies and their respective 3rd party brokers, assessors, and other service providers who have obviously misunderstood the meaning of “service”.
This is sounding quite negative about now, but the silver lining is coming. At the same time as these things are shaking our confidence in our lenders and in society in general. Including the financial industry and banks, in particular. The number of well established banks folding or on the verge of of collapse, once again, due to lack of confidence on the part of the “consumer”. For an avid student of history like myself, the similarities of effect, not cause, to 1929 October 29th, are way too similar for my taste. The transition to a sustainable world, in part, through electrification, is in its early stages. Like in the 1970's after the energy crisis of '73. Carter insisted big oil invest in alternative energy sources. One of my teachers, a PhD in physics was part of such a research program involving over 200 universities. The research was analyzed against a oil and gas measuring stick and, surprise, fell short of the mark. Due the analysts calculating the cost of oil and gas in all heat requiring processes as opposed to using concentrated solar to achieve these temperatures. There was no consideration at all for the long term heat storage for consistent electrical production or running of industrial furnaces, such as sand batteries, or molten salt heat storage. Of course these old technologies have made massive improvements as of late as seen in Finland and other locations. The point being, “necessity is the mother of invention”. I have seen this since before my birth. Both my parents grew up on traditional 600 acre land grants in Nova Scotia. The concepts of, “making do”, “getting by” and “get it done”, were all essential motivators and basic characteristic traits of the people that, not only survived, but had fun, love and laughter while dealing with hard times. If this is questioned please take a look at ATLANTIC CANADIAN MUSIC AND CULTURE. It speaks for itself. This last statement becomes more prevalent when we start adding data points. The entire world tells the exact same story. Everywhere I have ever been, the people with the, what seems, the most difficult life have a unique talent for working together on a common goal to extract ridiculous high return on investment. Especially, when that investment is time and caring like a friend. From Cuba to China, from Milan to Costa Rica, from the 9 African countries I visited. These common motivators and how people can make the absolute best from what they have at hand has held to be true. A universal truth.
Now the silver lining. During this same time of having more than ever for the developed world, riches for many as never before seen in the past 5,000 years, even with the depression and deflation, there is a movement of people looking for a new path. A new way forward that has a path of least resistance. Less pressure, more life. Less stress, more fun. A balance that makes a healthy happy person. This holistic fusion movement is rising all over the world. Significantly in Russia, all across the north, people reacting to suffering of so many who disagree with their respective government policies and aggression. The most marginalized of people are making the most positive actions. Not fire on fire. Simply rising to show others how to have fun and deal with hard times. They know how, their entire lives had been hard. But, they found a peace and love and humour and fun in working together. Many hands lighten the load.
This is the basis for our new foundation. On which we can build a system of great prosperity and exponential development for the betterment of all.
Part 1 The correlation of existing information.
This is truly an interesting time to be in. Like the old Chinese saying it can be a blessing or a curse. It all about perspective. This is the very moment when the true polarities of our world come together. No, I don't mean left/right political views. That is just the sideshow that distracts. Like the symptoms of an illness.
The real polarity has been left/right brain. How we see life differently so it seems. It's all about sensors really. what input we get and how we process it. with the latest lidar and sensitive materials for detecting vibrations, or atomic frequencies at all scales and wave length. We have finally connected the dots. Senor technology is sensory perception. Now we have the sufficient data required to process the meta physical in the same light as the physical. The universal rules all still apply.
No great mystery. no magic, legend or myth. Just data to process, draw correlations, find patterns, deviations. Make conclusions. Design new tech from the results and evolve.
The of open source sharing to expedite the potential to its maximum efficiency is the most holistically sustainable way forward. Those who lead here hold the future.
It is important to note that according to studies approximately 17% of the world population is right brain oriented. 32% is balanced left/right. 51% are left brain oriented. The more artistic side. This also plays into social structuring and sub culture acceptance of unorthodox ideas. For example many put a very high percentage of hope and investment into only the advancement of scientific investigation. With mathematical results it is comforting. However, by doing so we are ignoring well over 50% of collectible data from non-traditional sources. Actually, from traditional sources, Those “pseudo” sciences and mythology, legends, etc. Many are simple attempts to pass on knowledge or wisdom through warnings or rhymes, to keep them easier to remember. Not unlike the memory techniques so often used in business today. Investigating these areas of study, as such. As areas of proper scientific study now that specific cause/effect relations can be identified and classified. Then correlated to other similar patterns in all areas of study is the way to exponentially gain knowledge therefore new innovation.
Evaluating all resources as valuable resources, a form of equity, offers more than a doubling of data. One of the greatest values is that of people. Every day common people. They have the combined experiences and knowledge of our entire history. It has been carved into their very cultural evolution's, respectively. The combination of this great wealth of knowledge will rocket us into a pace of innovation as never before seen in 50,000 years. Just think of any 2 examples of business people who came from humble origin to amass great wealth and power. Many of you read their biographies in hope of understanding how. How many more great philosophers, astronomers, or what have you, are happy with it as a hobby or simple pastime. Look at amateur contributions to astronomy for examples. I learned more philosophy after leaving school by walking through the forests of Kings County, Nova Scotia as a wildlife assessment tech, one summer.
Organizing a network of self generating Research and Development centres, where local average people can come freely and study with others new appropriate applications of our combined collected technologies as are available currently online. With real time updates, and the support of every other concerned person who is interested in improving their community, offers an incredible free R&D force. Remember well, these are the same people who have lived with, “get it done”, and “make do”. These are the most pragmatic and practical people on the face of the earth. In remote and harsh living environments you have to be. This is a skill set money can't buy. Only long term multi generational experience can. AND WORK FOR FREE.
By helping establish this network, financing its rapid growth, you, as an investor would have the same free, unlimited access to everything. The availability of any and all special specific “deep dives” into an issue of choice, is welcome as well.
A quick view of some areas of easy and quick return are:
-Concentrated solar collection and storage. Including sand batteries, and other heat retention devices with long term storage of 12 to 18 months
-holistic mixed food growth, aquaculture, aqua-ponics, back to Eden gardening, etc
-Argo-mining. Focus on tabulation of already massive research, anti invasive techniques, collection of all mapping of mineral sources near crust on a global scale. Much has already been done. This can lead to growing metals at an 85% reduction in operational and shipping costs. As well as a 90% reduction in pollution output.
-Multi faceted wind production at small scale. Including artistic and ornamental wind structures for aesthetic acceptance, with no effect on wildlife. This also includes motionless wind. And all sub components design and manufacturing.
-Incorporation of previous 2 into organic polymers and graphene reinforced organic polymers with tensile strengths up to 137 times steel. The small scale production of base resources also offers massive reduction in transportation.
This has a trillion dollar potential and the most expert guides and friends are available to like minded who wish to taste of live for a while proactively as p[art of another community. More than an explosive business potential, this offers better understanding and personal growth in harmony with business growth. Equity.
Part 2 New Innovation.
With the exponential expansion of applications from correlating existing knowledge or data the subsequent onslaught of new questions and new areas of pursuit will also be exponential. This creates a self sustaining and growing business model with minimized costs and maximized brand loyal customers, and maximized income for now and the future. A holistically sustainable system.
The main new areas of most significant import, will be in the areas of material sciences, organic polymers and waste treatment. I forgot to mention the existing tech for waste treatment to reduce operational costs by roughly 35% on existing sites while creating saleable by products of green hydrogen and graphene. That is essential as it also offers the state of the art graphene water filtration to provide potable water. Other areas will be transportation, however I believe how we view transportation is in the process of its great change. With new understanding of gravitational attraction actually being the strongest force in the universe as it literally affects every atom and subatomic part in the universe. Simple visual light bending as it passes a planet of large enough object with a similar atomic elements to create the attraction. The more similar the greater the attraction.
This can easily lead to the scientific community finding the illusive mono-pole. Gravity fits the description that have made. However, I am certain in the dark matter, dark energy side they will find opposites will repel. Knowing this opens a different view or perspective to look at in the search for anti gravity. What is the lightest element on earth? Hydrogen. What does gravitational attraction actually attract? Mass is particle and wave. Does it attract both? We know it bends light. If a 50,000 watt radio station has a much larger broadcast range than a 5,000 watt university radio station, wouldn't this same principle apply when projecting a frequency of a material or element? Wouldn't this then have a similarly greater effect on its gravitational pull?
This area of needed investigation will lead to wormhole technology, anti gravity vehicles, even simplified space travel, if not the actual manipulation of the membrane of space time.
Part 3. The Business Structure of the network
I have thought and prayed a lot on this and because of the intrinsic nature of the role equity plays in all of the models in an attempt to make them more efficient. Like reducing drag coefficient. To truly create a path of least resistance, which is the shortest and quickest way to achieve any goal. The entire business structure must be completely open. Open sourced on any and all technology derived as it will be openly shared through the entire network.
A unified collection of individual PODS (People Oriented Development Services) are independent and self sustaining while also openly incorporated with each and every other PODS. The company therefore must follow the same open book policy. The main structure is simple. A CEO with MBA directly involved in oversight of daily operational financial requirements. Also responsible for short term investment to create a growing working capital ensuring the early growth of the network and the company providing central services. This exact percentage of initial funding will be capped as to ensure the first steps of constructing the network can maintain a rapid growth rate, especially during the first year. When the growth rate has solidified then this percentage will be used as additional funding for special projects and co-ventures of special projects with those consulting clients who chose to enter.
50% of all income to used in building and expanding the network and therefore the company as a non-negotiable core value. To be sustainable a dedicated and significant amount must always be directly targeted to expansion and growth. Considering most Aid Agencies have administrative costs as high as 85%, this would establish a for profit entity an ethical high ground worthy of praise and more importantly trust. Trust being the basis for building a friend relationship. Ergo caring. Ergo a higher natural level of Equity.
Further details are available upon request.