A New Water Fountain in The RV Resort
Malcolm Callister
Passionate about the RV lifestyle with 19 years of RVing and Travel Writing experience. My writings offer unique road trips and maintenance tips. DM me and let these unforgettable adventures boost your readership.
A sudden splash of water startled Greg, the campground work camper, as he drove his golf cart in the dark and rainy night. He looked up and saw a new fountain gushing from a 5th Wheel that had just arrived at the RV Resort. He wondered how they managed to hook up their water line in this weather.
He offered to help them back into their campsite, but Motorhome Mal declined. He said his wife Anne was an expert at guiding him through tight spots. Anne, however, was not thrilled to step out of the cozy trailer and face the rain and mud. She wished Mal would listen to Greg instead of trusting her soggy signals…The Full article can be read: A New Water Fountain in The RV Resort (wintertexantimes.com)