A New Vision For Humanity
Spirituality/Occultism=The hidden and invisible Causes behind the visible worlds of Effects.
To begin with, a comparison between modern day science and ancient science embodied in the Ancient Wisdom should help in clarifying our new vision. Perhaps a good place to start any observations of modern science should begin with Francis Bacon’s Scientific Method which is an Empirical and Inductive approach. This applies so-called facts to scientific scrutiny by the formation of working hypotheses supposedly free from any assumptions or contamination by the investigator. This approach is from the specific to the general and is exoteric in its exposition. Bacon’s four step approach were Observation, Hypotheses, Experiment and Theory. His ideas regarding the human mind were called “Idols of the Mind,” and supposed that we humans saw more “order and regularity in systems than usually exist.” In other words, he mistrusted human thinking about things; a concept those in modern times refer to as “cognitive bias.” Each established theory then becomes the beginning for further experimentation. (See, Google/Francis Bacon). But, when you start with the wrong bases for inquiry, you never discover the real Truth of Life or Purpose of our existence on this planet. The whole approach is centered in a Materialistic Paradigm relying on the human senses to reveal all of nature’s secrets. Modern science starts with the Forms that manifest in our universe, while the ancient science started with the Eternal Life that embodies these various and ever changing temporary Forms of our universe. And, unfortunately, modern science never gets beyond the form level of exploration. These remarks are merely a skin level sketch of Bacon’s science theory, or Bacon’s Scientific Method of research which was valid for his era. Francis Bacon was the reincarnation of Roger Bacon and reputedly was the real Shakespeare and a very advanced soul; perhaps the Master St. Germain.
In contrast to modern science, the science of the ancients started with general Life and with the general Principles they derived from keenly observing nature and ended in specific ideas about the nature of Life and human existence. This is the Deductive approach. Again, in contrast to Bacon, they saw both order and regularity in systems, particular our solar system. They approached our existence on planet earth as a laboratory to be studied with an open and perceptive mind, which they stressed above all the other human characteristics. It was the mind of man they perceived as the source of knowledge. Where modern science begins (and ends it might be added) with the lowest sub-planes of our Cosmic Physical Plane of the solar system and reaches upward for its theories, the ancients began with a higher dimension of this Plane, the mental sub-planes and worked down to the physical dimension of our solar system for explaining phenomena; that is, from the Mental to the Physical, the reverse of Material science.
DISCUSSION: When modern science reaches a point where it cannot proceed further with the senses alone, they invent and use artificial instruments to expand its external observations; this is the bases of what has become our Technological Society. This method has been greatly expanded by the computer and cell phones. When the ancient scientists reached such an objectively observable endpoint, they looked inwardly, subjectively, and expanded the human consciousness to higher realms of understanding and developed an ability to perceive the hidden spiritual Causes behind the visible world of Effects which modern science so relies upon for their theories. They did this by means of meditation and the study of their own mental processes and the application of Analogy, which makes the invisible, visible. Through meditation also they received “messages” from the “guardians” of humanity. Those “guardians” of humanity, collectively, are known in modern times as the Spiritual Hierarchy, or the “Inner government of the world,” or the “home” of the Masters of the Wisdom. The head of this Hierarchy is the Christ of our Bible. He is the “Teacher of Teachers and of Angels” and the embodiment of pure selfless Love and Wisdom on this planet. And, He is the Christ for All Humanity; not just for the West. Going inward to conceive higher levels of knowledge and wisdom is referred to in modern psychology as Self-Realization; a goal studied by that lovable psychologist Abe Maslow, who died before his theories received more scientific validation. Self-actualization is a symbolic word for the full development of the human potential. All forms in manifestation are in the process of developing their full potential, via the medium of evolution.
It should be emphasized that there have always been available to earth in every period of both primeval and recorded history certain advanced spiritual entities, called Avatars, or Dhyan Chohans, whose spiritual wisdom gained in other world periods were made available to those few newer human entities who were pure in heart and head and would use the imparted knowledge for the benefit of humanity and not for personal and selfish ends. These spiritual Beings guide humanity either through the “Voice of the Silence,” our conscience, or at certain historical periods by sending an Avatar to earth to offer face to face guidance in righteous living, as was Sri Krishna, the Gautama Buddha and our Biblical Christ in this world period, who was consciously “housed” in the body of Jesus during part of his three year mission. Avatars appear at certain cycles in human evolution where their guidance is currently needed to progress human evolution.
This Ancient Wisdom as we know it today had its foundations in the advanced sciences of that ancient civilization known as Atlantis, and many aspects of this science can be found even today, being preserved in ancient Egypt and ancient China where many Atlantean survivors with their science fled for their lives. Plato’s, Poseidonis, the last part of Atlantis to submerge occurred around 9800 or so B.C. Many Atlanteans fled to Egypt at this time. It is of interest to note that our modern day word, chemistry, derives from Khem, the old name for Egypt. The advanced Atlanteans had the third eye open and perceived both material and spiritual worlds via the cerebellum. With the advent of the higher Cerebrum this eye was closed and is now the dormant Pineal Gland. It is said that in our far off future all these brains will unite into ONE.
By going behind the mere physical world in search of genuine knowledge and truth, the ancients went inside themselves for answers to the perennial questions which still “bug” us today: Who am I, and why am I here, and what is life on this planet all about? This process, whereby higher levels of consciousness available in our solar system can be attained, is via mental and physical purity and “living in spiritual being;” attainable only by those relatively few “seekers of Truth” who are dedicated to discovering within themselves the truth of life and the meaning of our existence on this planet so as to be of more Service to all humanity and not for any selfish reasons. A first step is the gaining of mind control over our thought forms via serious meditation or Watchfulness, and an inward discovery of our mental processes and image formations. By controlling our thoughts, we can also control our emotions and our physical behaviors. The Raja Yoga of the Sutras of Patanjali is an excellent guide for this process. (See The Light of the Soul; the sutras of Patanjali, an Alice A. Bailey book, available on Amazon.com/books.
DIVERSITY OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS: One of the most important discoveries of the advanced Atlanteans was that the universe consists of nothing but streams of energy, ever in motion, and that all motion creates vibrations. Today, the Masters perform what we call miracles by having the power to control these electro-magnetic energies to accomplish their roles as Guardians of the human race and its spiritual unfoldment. These vibratory streams of energy vary in their rates and it is this that brings about the diversity in manifested forms which is easily observable. The vibratory rate determines the appearance of the form as well as its unique level of consciousness. All energies contain some degree of consciousness. The ancients held to the belief that our solar system consists of seven Cosmic levels or planes of vibrating energies, each level having seven sub-levels; further, that these seven levels of vibrating energies consist of seven differentiated unique level of consciousness on their own sub-planes, increasing in vibratory rate from the lowest to the highest. To clarify, there is only ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, reflected through seven Cosmic Planes each having seven sub-planes which make up our unique solar system. These diverse levels and sub-levels of consciousness can be observed in humans whose constitution is rooted on the basis of these seven vibratory rates. Each different level and sub-level is a unique level of consciousness on its own plane and sub-plane, from the base Cosmic Physical Plane, our material world, lane to the highest Supreme consciousness of the solar Logos himself. By consciously taking control of our lives and our thoughts and consciously directing our energies and thoughts wisely we can gradually raise or transcend these levels of consciousness higher and higher, or from the more physical and materialistic (Effects) levels to the more Spiritual and hidden Causative aspects of Life. The real truths of planetary Life can only come from our inner being; our own Self-Realization. Thus our interest should be continually focused on the finer development of our inner beings, and not so much on the temporal and finite physical subjects. The whole purpose of human evolution is the gradual expansion of consciousness transcending from level to level. The only difference between a savage (Instinct) and a saint (Christ Consciousness) is the level of vibratory energy thought. The key to raising our consciousness is heat, or transmutation; like changing a liquid to gas. Or as Hermetic Alchemy states, “Changing one level of thought into a higher one.” By continually thinking of spiritual concepts we are continuing to increase the levels of our consciousness vibrations. As our consciousness levels increase our inner vibratory rates can then have an affinity or can resonate with the unique consciousness of those sub-levels of those higher spiritual planes represented by the seven major Chakras.
For purposes of clarity, the ancients gave names to each of these seven Cosmic Planes of consciousness. From the lowest to the highest, these names are: Physical (Etheric); Astral or Emotional; Manasic or Mental, which is a duality, having a lower Concrete Mind and a higher Abstract Mind; the Buddhic, or true Intuitional plane and that constituting the conscious Principles of the Christ; the Atmic or higher Spiritual Soul/Will; the Monadic our true Higher Being; and the ultimate Supreme Divine Consciousness of the Solar Logos, (called Adi, or “parentless”) usually referred to as Logoic Consciousness. Above that is the Cosmic Consciousness of a Supreme Being referred to as “The Entity about Whom Naught Can be Said” in whom resides the seven solar systems of which ours is one. These solar systems make up this Supreme Entity’s chakra system. The Astral or Emotional sub- planes are the level of consciousness of human desires and gross emotions and worldly ambitions of every conceivable form. Reportedly, the majority of modern day consciousness is arrested and centered at these Atlantean Astral sub-planes and our human emotions predominate. One of the more insidious forms of desire is the worldwide prevalence of sexuality in ever increasing perverse forms. Greed and avarice and other ambitions of every nature closely follow, and the desire for power and authority over others in all its ramifications, result from our being controlled and directed by the Astral level consciousness of the average human entity today. Human consciousness is more or less “arrested” at this Astral level and even “suborns” the concrete mind and the physical body to achieve its desires. (In Sanskrit, this is referred to as the kama-rupa, or “desire body,” which is the hardest sub-plane to master and transcend to the mental sub-planes for most human entities.)
It should be mentioned that of this lowest Cosmic Physical Plane, the Microcosmic aspect of our solar system, the three lowest sub-planes are in the materialistic world of Effects, and these three are mirror reflections of the higher spiritual planes. To the materialists these are the solid, the liquid and the gaseous. To the occults these are: solid=physical; liquid=emotional; gaseous=concrete mental. These are the three worlds of human evolution. The Manasic or dual mental plane is the intermediary middle plane which divides the lower three sub-planes of the Microcosmic aspect of our cosmic physical world from the three higher Macrocosmic sub-planes It is here that the transition from the lower materialistic world into the higher “Spiritual Triad” commences. The Spiritual Triad, as it is esoterically called, consists of the higher abstract mind of Manas, the full Buddhic or Intuitional plane, and the full Atmic plane, each with its seven sub-planes. It should also be mentioned that the lower planes are only “mirror reflections,” or “shadows” or “instruments” of the higher planes. They are considered by the ancients as maya, or the “Great Illusion,” since they in truth have no real existence of their own but are a mirror image of the higher planes in our consciousness. So, again, modern science is dealing with illusions which have little bearing on cosmic truths which they are aimlessly striving to discover. Plato’s Cave analogy has relevancy here. And, his “Forms” are eternal Cosmic Ideas. Cosmic Ideas should be considered as “protyles” or as universal and Eternal, having appropriate relevance in every world period and are passed on from one world period to the next one. Jung used the term archetypes to refer to such protyles. Modern science begins with merely manmade ideals, which again, are merely erroneous interpretations of these Cosmic Ideas. And even though modern science accepts the concept that the “Microcosmic recapitulates the Macrocosmic” it is questionable if they really understand the significance of this Cosmic Truth; that each lower plane is merely a reflection of the next higher one.
Ancient science focused on mental psychology, the study of the human psychic, (Soul) and studied the intelligence and mental states and considered the differentiated levels of consciousness. It regarded the physical/etheric body, the emotions and concrete manas as “instruments, vehicles,” created by us via evolutionary periods and shaped for the expression of these higher levels of consciousness in a materialistic world environment. It perceived these lower states as having no real substance in themselves. They used the higher manas as a sixth sense of perception. The “I AM THAT” of ‘the triadic Soul, the correct Informing and Integrating Ego,(Soul) not to be confused with the Freudian little ego, is the Thinker, the Observer, the creator of thought forms at will, (once thoughts are controlled) and perceived of the difference between the Self and the Not-Self. (The material world of the Pairs of Opposites.) An analogy here would be the baker and his products. The baker is the creator, or the Self. His products are the “Not-self,” and are merely the physical manifestations of his internal ideals; his creations. As creators, we are indeed made in the image of God, since it was the solar Logos, the only true God perhaps conceivable by humanity, who brought about the world of manifestation by His thought forms, which again are only energy (the vibrating Word made flesh) in manifested motion.
The ancients believed there is only one energy in this “alive” universe. At each manvantara or world period the one energy divides into two aspects, (much like fetal mitosis,) which were Plato’s Divine Ideas, or Cosmic Ideation, which we call Life/Spirit, and Primordial Cosmic Substance we call Matter. Spirit is positive in the Macrocosmic and Matter is negatively polarized in the Microcosmic. A major concept of the Ancient Wisdom holds that “Spirit is Matter at the lower levels, and Matter is Spirit at the higher levels of our solar system.” The constant “dance” or interplay between these two polarized energies is the cause underlying all manifested existence. Nothing can come into manifestation without the combining of these Yin and Yang energies. In the Hermetic Principles this is called the “Principle of Polarity.” (Read the seven Hermetic Principles in the Amazon.com book, The Kybalion.) At any given point in human evolution, one or the other predominates. Matter (materialism) is currently dominant in this present period in our human evolution, referred to as the period of the Kali Yuga; one of four rotating Yugas.
It hardly needs to be said that modern science has embraced Matter as the only substance in our universe and disregards anything smacking of the spiritual since it cannot be empirically proven. It also holds that this Matter itself diversifies, whereas the distinction by the ancients is that there is only One Matter which expresses varying “evolutionary characteristics,” which are revealed to mankind gradually with each new human civilization, and that there is only ONE MATTER, just as there is only ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, with seven differentiating characteristics. So far, Matter has had five differentiations, (our five senses) with two more to go in this world period, or Manvantara (period of manifested forms, with two more major Root-races to come; that is, two more differentiating characteristics of Matter in our seven Root-race world period.
So far, the characteristics of matter revealed to humanity via Root-race evolution are Extensions: (Hearing/Sounds); Touch; Color (Sight); and Taste, an aspect of Touch, and Smell, as defined by H.P. Blavatsky in her incomparable opus, The Secret Doctrine. (TS Publishing House, Wheaton; Illinois, originally published in1888.) In the far off future, the next characteristic of Matter to be revealed, reportedly by the Occultists, is Permeability. What this means is that in the far off future, mankind will be able to visualize the now invisible Astral plane as easily as we visualize now the gross physical plane. This is referred to as Astral Vision.
The esoteric student is told that the idea of self-preservation derives from mankind’s fear of physical death, believing this life is the only one we have. Self preservation is inherent in Matter itself and is the method for generating new living forms. Death has no existence in the spiritual world. In truth, what we refer to as death, is merely the temporary loss of our physical/etheric, emotional and concrete mental bodies at this lower physical plane of our solar system. When we go to sleep, our physical consciousness leaves the physical body (we literally physically die) and ascend via the “silver cord,” (NDE’S/OBE’s tunnel) as it is referred to in our Bible, onto the Astral plane, (source of NDE’S bright light; astral means starry) where we need through experience to gain control of our astral consciousness just as we gained physical consciousness in ancient times. (This is termed the “continuity of consciousness.”) Upon awakening, our physical consciousness descends back to the physical level via the Silver Cord. At the actual death of the physical body, through disease or old-age, our consciousness again ascends to the Astral plane but this time the silver cord is broken and thus there is no means for descent back into the physical body. Our true Self, the Soul or Spirit/Life remains on this Astral plane for another lifetime, or for the time it takes to destroy all astral level thought forms or physical level desires. Then, we again die to this Astral plane and ascend to the Manasic plane, were we reap the harvest of our best and purest thoughts and deeds. This is the Occultist, Devachan, or Heaven in our Bible. Then, because we have “unfinished business” on the physical plane, due to karmic “indebtedness,” we are reborn (reincarnated) into a new physical body, the result of the Cosmic Law of Rebirth (retribution). Its accompanying Law of Cause and Effect, or Karma, provides the means whereby we are given the opportunity of working off our karmic indebtedness on the physical plane were karma was incurred.” Karma is caused by the many IMBALANCES we create in our decisions and choices. For every decision there is a consequence, positive or negative. Or, as St. Paul stated it: “Whatsoever ye sow, so shall ye reap.” Karma is an unchangeable, immutable Cosmic Law of the Universe. It is inescapable, and is neutral and impersonal in its workings. This is the Law of Divine Justice, which allows each of us to create our own futures by every thought, feeling and action performed, which are preserved in the “Akasic Records” where all human history is recorded. Edgar Cayce, the sleeping prophet, established in Virginia Beach, Virginia his “Academy of Research and Enlightenment” (ARE) where his readings, diagnoses and predictions were retrieved from these Akasic Records. If we’ve lived in purity, selflessness and goodwill toward others, entertained a genuine sense of universal brotherhood and altruism, we’ve created positive karma to be enjoyed in Devachan in Sanskrit, and Heaven in our Bible), after death of the Astral plane. If we engaged in selfish, cruel, hateful and unkindness toward others, we’ve created negative Karma and these “karmic debts.” require “balancing” or harmonizing on the plane where they originated, the physical plane, and this is the Cause behind the Law of Rebirth. With each new reincarnation, we gradually over evolutionary time discover for ourselves more clearly the choices we have between Right and Wrong decisions, and their consequences, and gradually begin to choose what our expanding levels of consciousness tells us to do. Evolution has as its purpose the gradual expansion of the human consciousness, as stated above. As we ascend the higher levels of consciousness, we develop more spiritually, and began slowly to choose Righteousness over Evil. This means gaining mastery over our Desire natures, the gaining of mental controls over all our thought forms, and “living in spiritual being,” which could be defined as the living a life emulating the life of Christ and his Principles; a heightened level of energy vibrations, just as is the Intuition which vibrates at the Buddhic level, one level above the Mental or dual Manasic.
It might be mentioned that once our level of consciousness attains permanently to the level of the Buddhic sub-planes, as defined above, we are no longer subject to physical reincarnation. We have won our final Liberation of the Soul from the imprisonment of physical Matter. (Human kingdom.) We die to the human kingdom forever, and ascend to the fifth kingdom; the Kingdom where only Souls live, called the Spiritual Hierarchy, or the “home” of the Masters of the Wisdom. This final renunciation of all things material is symbolized by Jesus dying on the Cross, or his crucifiction as depicted in the Gospel story. To die to the physical is to be reborn into the spiritual world of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
As any thinking person knows, this physical, materialistic microcosmic world holds much pain, suffering and sorrow for us humans, and only fleeting and temporary pleasures. It can be easily observed there are a great deal of diseases and physical symptoms and painful conditions of losses and sorrow on the Physical Plane. The real Cause behind the great majority of these human sufferings is due to “psychological origins.” (“All diseases are the result of our lack of Soul control.”) (See, Esoteric Healing, an Alice A. Bailey book available from (www.worldgoodwill.org.)
Imbalances and disharmony in our material bodies and from our Astral desires create diseases of every description. Surrounding our gross physical bodies is an energy body, called the “etheric double.” It is to the esoteric student the real physical body of the human entity, since the gross physical body is not a principle HPB tells and is now an “atavism,” i.e. automatic in its many operations. This etheric stream of energy has the characteristic of cohesion and holds us all together and makes for the one humanity. The spleen collects vital forces or prana from the sun, and we choose how to distribute these pranic energies throughout the etheric body via the etheric body’s own nervous system or the nadis (Sanskrit); as symbolized by the medical Caduceus, or “Rod of Hermes.” It is this prana energy, plus the nutrition derived from proper diet, that gives us the vitality necessary for work and play and all human activities. For good health, this etheric stream in our bodies needs a fully unimpeded flow throughout our systems. Any imbalances, congestions or over stimulation of this body creates if not quickly corrected, physical symptoms. In other words any imbalances or disharmonies will impede the necessary free distribution of this energy throughout our bodies. A ready at hand analogy is that any disruption in the electrical or plumbing systems in our homes create problems.
A wise person has said that “by analogy the invisible can be made visible.” This is known in ancient science as a cosmic or Hermetic Principle (Law of Correspondence), or what we refer to an Analogy. Stated differently, an esoteric saying is “As above, so below.” In our Bible it is expressed, “On earth as it is in Heaven.”
Because of our current fixation on money, a type of economic energy, the free flow of energy is pertinent, and hoarding of money causes blockages and disruptions in the free flow of money energy with pockets of poverty resulting in our greedy society.
For further understanding on this subject of etheric energy a study of the seven major chakras situated along the human spine needs to be understood. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “vortice, or eddy,” such as is emitted by jet engines, and these influence directly the seven major glands in our bodies needed for correct health. Three of these chakras are found below the waist: Base of Spine or (Kundalini energy), the Gonads, (physical procreation) and the Solar Plexus (seat of gross human desires). Above the waist are the Heart, Throat, (mental creativity) and two major Head chakras, where spiritual energy flows. Physically, these are the Pituitary and Pineal glands. It is said that “Energy follows thought,” and “As a man thinks, so he is at any given time.” This means that our energized thought forms find expression, dependent upon their vibratory rate, through one or the other of these seven key chakras. Gross physical and materialistic thoughts find expression below the waist, especially the solar plexus or the seat of human desires. More spiritual and enlightening thoughts find expression above the waist. Whereas the gonads are for physical procreation, for example, the throat chakra is the seat of mental creative efforts such as in literature or art, music and dance. Again, the lower based energies are merely material world reflections of the higher energies available above the waist. Over time, the lower energies need to be raised to their higher correspondent; Gonads to the throat; solar plexus to the heart; the Ajni center between the eyes, (Pituitary gland) unifies all chakras below the waist, and eventually the kundalini to the head center. (Pineal gland)
Knowledge of these chakras, or the “etheric double,” has yet to be discovered by modern day science in their research, limited as it is, although it has reportedly agreed there is a fifth element called ether, which is more rarified than earth, water, air and fire.
Although modern day medicine in its many forms have done wonders in the treatment of the physical symptoms, due to accidents, infections, and inherited disorders, a more comprehensive approach to medicine and a truer understanding of the “Constitution of Man,” remains unrealized. When such knowledge becomes available, the entire medical field will be revolutionized.
CONCLUSION: Our solar system is divided into an invisible and hidden Macrocosmic Spiritual world, and a visible Microcosmic Matter World, or into Spirit and Matter. The Matter world is Visible; the Spirit is the invisible side of Life. This same division occurs or is recapitulated in our human constitutions. We are in essence portions of the One Divinity. Our Souls are the “God Within,” as it is expressed and each soul is a portion of the One Over-Soul, called the Anima Mundi. Our Souls are the transitory stage between Body-(Soul)-Spirit. Soul is a trinity: Animal, Human and Spiritual. Polarized Spirit preceded polarized Matter in involutionary manifestation. (To involve.) Spirit will again become predominant on the Evolutionary arc.(To evolve.) Another wise person as said: “When mankind discovers it is Divine, it will strive to realize its true inner nature.” H.P. Blavatsky stated it rather clearly when she wrote: “Permanent virtue can claim no merit until it has passed through the furnace of temptation.” Humanity as a whole is today in the throes of temptation, from which hopefully it will gain the necessary experiences, via the “pairs of opposites,” or through pain and temporal pleasures, the difficult choices and responsibilities it needs to make and fully accept the cosmic Laws of Reincarnation and Karma that are the foundations of spiritual enlightenment. It is by way of these Cosmic Laws that conscious illumination and the discovery of genuine spiritual Truths can be realized. Karma is the great Law of our universe. Without it nothing would come into manifestation, since there needs to be a cause behind every effect; nothing comes from nothing, as some of our modern day scientists claim. Every new world period, or manvatara, has as its Cause the previous world period which is its progenitor. Each human entity has within it the seeds of its future lives.
As a final thought, one of the Hierarchy Masters of the Wisdom has stated: “There is a Truth that exists, and within humanity hides the potential for its discovery.” For those wary of such discovery, he simply asks, “Just try.” End.
Note: The concepts found in this article are derived from a lifelong study of the Ancient Wisdom, today embodied in the International Theosophical Society and World Goodwill Literature.
(www.theosophicalsociety.org/books and www.worldgoodwill.org/books. Thank you.