A New View On Time
A few days I talked about running under what I could do that I can do more. Not burn out. Stay in the game if you will.
Listening to David Goggins's new book Never Finished - he talks about this very concept. Where in heart rate training you can run for a long time in Heart Rate Zone 2. Very little time in zone 5.?
Which he correlates to life. Where you can’t sprint and go balls out forever without burning out. This is why I like Andy Frisella’s power list because it’s just 5 things per day that you’ve gotta get done. That’s it.?
Keeping you from burnout. Just consistent daily progress. That progress over a long enough time is massive. Another great analogy I heard from my marketing mentor related it to a watch.
When you look at a watch with mechanical hands, the second-hand moves fast. These are our days. We can see it move. The minute hand we barely see move. This can be either weeks or months. And the hour hand we can’t even tell it’s moving. These are months or years, possibly decades.
There’s a lot of activity during the day. And it doesn’t look like anything is moving for weeks, months, or years. Then all of a sudden you look up and everything in your life has changed. That hour hand is 6 hours later on the watch that you never noticed move.
It’s all to say that progress needs to be steady. Because with steady progress things will happen, deals will close, and your life will be different so long as you’re on the path.?