AP US History Video 49: Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan.

AP US History Video 49: Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan.

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? Notes for AP US History Video 49: AP US History Video 49: Commodore Perry and the Opening of Japan.

? What We’re Covering Here:

·        Expansion to Other Lands.: 0:26

·        The Perry Expedition, or “The Opening of Japan:” 1852–1854.: 1:38

·        Officers of the Perry Expedition.: 12:43

·        The Perry Expedition, or “The Opening of Japan” : 1852–1854 (continued): 13:49

·        Did You Find This Video Useful?: 20:58

·        Contact Me! Facebook, Instagram, Email, Phone.: 24:22

·        NOTE: This is NOT a Substitute for Your Classes, Text, Etc.: 25:51

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Who’d Like This: Students taking Advanced Placement U.S. History.

Source Material For this Video:  

? This video is based on my general knowledge of US history, and what I could access/verify using Bing/Google.

? Any webpages / resources referenced below.

Links for References/Links to Relevant Topics: You can click on the links, or copy and paste if the links aren’t active.

Wikipedia entry for Matthew C. Perry – Wikipedia Specifically https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_C._Perry#Perry_Expedition:_opening_of_Japan,_1852–1854

Perry Expedition - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perry_Expedition

Whale oil - Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whale_oil

? While this should help you do well on the APUSH test, I can’t be responsible for what your teacher asks you about on tests, in homework, etc. Please read your class text(s) and pay attention to what your teacher says in class.

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