New Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement
J. Adriana Juric, AMLP Forum
Chair, The Association of Financial Crime Prevention Professionals
The AMLP forum was delighted to attend the launch of ‘Ethical Business Practice and Regulation – A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement’ at Bloomsbury Publishing in London last night.
This new publication outlines the basis for an effective relationship between a business and its regulators, resulting in better outcomes for both.
Praise for the book:
“Regulation is fundamentally about how people in organisations actually behave. This book pulls together the evidence on “what works” in getting the right results. There is a wealth of material here for smart regulators who are pursuing effectiveness through actual outcomes, not compliance with rules for its own sake.” Richard Thomas CBE, Information Commissioner (2002-9), Committee on Standards in Public Life (2012-17)
We are pleased to have negotiated a discount for our AMLP Forum Members and community with Hart Publishing as per below.
Order at before the 31st March 2018 – discount code ‘AMLP’ at the checkout to get your 20% off.
Paperback | RSP: £31.99 - 20% Discount Price: £25.59
The book is co-authored by Christopher Hodges, Professor and Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford and Ruth Steinholtz, International Values-Based Business Ethics Advisor, AreteWork LLP.