New: Updates to the mobile apps
You probably already love the mobile apps because they are a convenient and easy-to-use way to stay connected no matter where you are! But did you know that our App team is continuously making small improvements to make your email experience even better?
Let’s check in to see what’s new in the apps!
Updates in your mobile apps for Android and iOS
1. Suggested recipients
You may have already noticed a small but significant improvement when addressing emails: As soon as you start typing an email address in the recipient field, your app automatically suggests contacts from your address book or the names of people to whom you have already sent emails. Just tap a suggested address to add to the “To” field. This not only saves you time but saves you from typos as well!
2. Write to contact groups
If you have saved contact groups in your address book, they will also be suggested in the “To” field when you start to type the group name. So go ahead and write to your “Ultimate Frisbee” group – without having to select the address of each and every member.
Curious about what other changes to expect from the app? Keep reading on our blog page to find out more!