New Updates + How to use TikTok

New Updates + How to use TikTok

Week 2 of Coffees and Content for 2024 is coming in HOT with new app updates across a variety of platforms.


Today we're diving into a few really juicy topics including:

  • Stopping accidental IG Story postings
  • How most people are using TikTok
  • A new update for Threads


I'm keeping this short and sweet for this week as there is a lot we're working on behind-the-scenes at The Social Collective that I'm very excited to share with you all soon (so keep reading these weekly updates).


I also really want to introduce a live feature to this of some sorts, where I can chat with you all about what you'd most like to know about social media/digital marketing - whether that's strictly updates OR answering ‘I need to know’ questions. What do you think?


Have a question about social media you'd LOVE to know the answer to? Drop me a reply and you might see your question answered in the next Coffees and Content.



Catch you next week,

Loren Tomlinson


The Social Collective


It's finally time to say goodbye to that moment of panic when you accidentally hit publish on an Instagram story before it's ready!


Instagram have announced that there is now a new update that allows you to delete IN-PROGRESS stories.


No more panicking and racing to delete the post before anyone has seen it (and then checking that it's been removed from Facebook too).


While many of you reading this may not be that bothered about this feature - to my social media managers who are readying this, you can now take that sign of relief :P


Adobe have released a study, outlining that 41% of consumers (on the app) are using TikTok as a search engine - as expected right?


So, what does this mean for your content?


Similar to what I discussed last week with Instagram's captions and ensuring you're using the right key words in your captions (don't know what I'm talking about … dig out last week's Coffees and Content), on TikTok it's all about creating content that's relevant to the topics you want to get known for.


In a nutshell - the algorithm isn't going to know who to push your content out to after 1 video … it takes multiple.


BUT, once you start getting consistent, that's when TT knows who to share your content to and will push it to the For You page of those people.


Then, when that 41% of people are actively searching for the topics you talk/post about, your content is much more likely to pop up on their page.


Wondering how to target the right people? Here are a couple of quick tips:

  1. Pick your lane (what do you want to be known for?)
  2. Post consistently (ideally several times a day - or at least once a day)
  3. Use keywords in your videos (speaking them) or on your images (typing them)
  4. Don't give up .. it takes a minute to get past the 200-300 reach posts


Is TikTok on your marketing plan for this year?


Threads are working on baking a comeback this year.


After what feels like a very anti-climactic launch last year, the Threads team are in the process of adding new features that might mean there is longevity in this app.


The new feature would feature topics for you based on those you're engaging with - just like the “What's Happening” feature on Twitter (oops .. I mean X).


The long-term intention of this is to get more users interacting on the app and ultimately connecting with more thought leaders in the spaces they're interested in.


What do YOU think about this new feature? Will you be using Threads more??


Until next week,

The Social Collective Team



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