New Updates in Hopsworks! ??

New Updates in Hopsworks! ??

We have a few capabilities that we think you'll like! Take a closer look at our new feature query service and feature pipeline integration capabilities with Apache Flink and Beam. You can also delve deeper into our database approach, RonDB, which remains open source, especially considering Redis' recent announcement of their decision to discontinue open-source support.

Feature Query Service

The Hopsworks Feature Query Service offers an efficient and performant way to join features across multiple platforms on multiple cloud providers such as Snowflake, BigQuery, and Hopsworks without data duplication. This tutorial goes through the steps for joining features across Snowflake, BigQuery and the Hopsworks Feature Store and shows how to present these features in a unified view.

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Capabilities ??

Beam Capability

Apache Beam is a powerful and flexible unified programming model for batch and streaming data processing pipelines. Beam feature pipelines for Hopsworks are supported in Java/Scala.

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Flink Capability

Apache Flink is a powerful and flexible framework for stateful feature computation operations over unbounded and bounded data streams. Flink feature pipelines for Hopsworks are supported in Java/Scala.?

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Content Spotlight ??

Doubling Down on Open Source: How RonDB Upholds the Principles Redis Left Behind

Redis will no longer be open source. This transition touches on a core dilemma in our industry: the balance between open innovation and the need for sustainability. Open source databases, with projects like our own RonDB, have not only revolutionised the way we think about data management but fostered a culture of collaboration and shared growth. Learn how RonDB upholds the open source principles as Redis leaves them behind.

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