New Understanding of the Energetic Laws of Nature

New Understanding of the Energetic Laws of Nature

This article provides brief information about the discoveries made by the Technology-X Team in the field of action of the energetic and dynamic laws of nature. These discoveries were made in the course of fundamental research on field theory, which revealed the links between field theory and the energetic and dynamic laws of nature.

?These discoveries were made, including both in the study of the devices of orthodox technology, and in the study of devices of alternative technology, created by inventors and firms in various forms of physical movement. But these devices were not recognized by orthodox science and technology due to the contradiction of their work with the modern understanding of energy laws.

?This approach allowed the Technology-X team to discover how erroneous the modern interpretation by scientists and the entire scientific community as a whole of the energetic laws of nature. So, in order to discover and formulate the real laws of nature, we must change our concept of the essence of energy.

A new formulation of the energy laws of nature

The new formulation of the energy laws of nature significantly expands our capabilities and takes them beyond the boundaries outlined by the traditional understanding of the energy laws of nature. Traditional understanding of the energy laws bases on the paradigm of energy as a nature substance. According to existing ideas in physics this substance in nature goes from form to form, while maintaining its total amount.?

The new paradigm considers energy only as a measure of motion, along with other measures of motion. New paradigm formulates general laws of conservation or change of these measures of motion in physical fields that are different in their structure of action and have different topology and symmetry of action. That creates new energy laws and a new understanding of energy as free energy.

This new understanding of the energetic laws of nature also expands the area of their applicability. In this connection, we called this new understanding of the energetic and dynamic laws of nature in the field of energy, related to human technique and technology as Technology-X.?This article reveals the fundamentals and secrets of the Technology-X, based on a new understanding of the energetic and dynamic laws of nature. The totality of these laws can be reduced to an understanding of what free energy is.


Free energy

Free energy is a one of the measures of motion generated and destroyed by the action of fields, both in the form of a measure of motion and in the form of a measure of the field potential. For physical field its potential and its potential energy (potential energy of bodies and charges in the field) is generated and destroyed along with the generation and destruction of the field.

We discovered that, among other things, the transfer of energy consists in the destruction of a measure of motion or a measure of potential of the field in one place, and its creation in another place. That creates the illusion of conservation of energy during its transfer, in the event that the destruction and creation of energy is symmetric and in total is equal to zero.

If the destruction of motion and potential and its creation is not symmetrical, then as a result of this procedure, additional free energy is generated at the output. Or, there is a reverse process of reducing the total amount of free energy present in the system. This does not violate the energetic laws of nature, which describe the possibilities of creating and destroying free energy and free momentum as the measures of motion.

The existing laws of conservation of free energy and momentum refer only to the region of their symmetric transformations, in which free energy and free momentum are conserved due to the corresponding symmetric action of the fields that symmetrically destroy and symmetrically create free energy in the system while its total amount is preserving.

All energy present in nature as a measure of motion is free energy. Just like all impulse in nature is a free impulse. In view of this, in nature there are no restrictions on the generation or destruction of free energy and momentum as measures of motion. At the same time, there are those conditions under which free energy and free momentum are conserved in isolated systems. These conditions were called by science the laws of conservation of energy and momentum without their critical understanding and connection with the work of the field.

Free energy and free momentum are conserved in potential fields and symmetric field interactions. That forms the conservation laws. Free energy and free momentum are change in non-potential fields and asymmetric field interactions. That forms the laws of change of free energy and free momentum. Both those and other laws are the laws of nature related to the motion and to the motion measures. Since free energy and free momentum are just measures of motion. At the same time, nature has not established any restrictions on generation or destruction of the movement in the field.

This creates the phenomenon of the presence of free energy and free impulse in nature as measures of motion. Free energy and free impulse can also be generated or destroyed in technical systems, when using non-potential fields or asymmetric interactions.

In particular, non-potential e / m fields and asymmetric e / m interactions (for example, interactions by the Ampere-Lorentz forces) can both generate and destroy free energy and free momentum. That is a new understanding of the energetic laws of nature, discovered by the Technology-X Team.

This article contains a message about this discovery that can change the whole world. Including, to bring it to civilized conditions of existence, based on the absence of restrictions in the generation of renewable forms of energy. That in view of the termination of the so-called fuel systems will have a positive impact on the Earth's ecology.

In particular, the spread of Technology-X can solve both the energy problem and the problem of warming and climate change. Technology-X is also capable of giving an unlimited source of free renewable energy generated by e / m devices in non-potential e / m fields or based on asymmetric e / m interactions, allowing both to generate and destroy free energy.


Energy laws

The energetic laws of nature are misunderstood by people. We discovered the true understanding energetic laws of nature and formulated it. That gave us new opportunities in the field of creating renewable energy sources. We have created Technology-X, which allows you to receive any amount of free energy and free momentum in electrical installations. In particular, this technology makes it possible to abandon storage batteries and replace them with devices based on the action of the asymmetry of e / m interactions.

The asymmetry of the e / m interactions creates conditions in the universal power plant that make it possible to receive any required amount of free electrical energy or free momentum. At the same time, energy must be understood not as a substance of nature, but as a measure of movement invented by people. In nature, there are no restrictions on the synthesis and elimination of motion. Therefore, there are no restrictions on the synthesis and generation of free energy and free momentum. Asymmetric field interactions (e / m and others) and non-potential fields make it possible to generate any amount of motion and its measures of free energy and free momentum.

That is the true energetic laws of nature. Since the measure of free energy and free momentum (measure of motion) is not conserved in non-potential field and asymmetric field interactions. In doing so, we must always take into account that the measure of free energy and free momentum persists in potential fields and symmetric interactions, on which the orthodox technique.

Therefore, the action of the law of conservation of free energy is limited only by potential fields and symmetric interactions. And it does not apply to non-potential fields and asymmetric interactions. This is the essence of a new understanding of the energetic laws of nature, discovered by us. These laws do not restrict the possibilities of obtaining free energy and free momentum on e / m and other devices.

Therefore, the new energetic laws discovered by us allow us to create renewable energy sources that are unlimited in their action in the field of electric power and in the other forms of field interactions. Technical devices created according to this scheme, we call Technology-X, or universal power plants. We can train your specialists in the design of universal power plants and reveal their secrets.


New understanding of the laws of dynamics

New energetic laws operate not only in the field of obtaining free energy, as a measure of motion, but also in the field of receiving a free impulse. Free impulse is also a measure of movement as free energy is. Therefore, the new energetic laws apply in the same way to the generation and destruction of the free impulse, as they apply to free energy. Due to the local nature of the field action, the equivalence of the action of internal and external fields in system is observed. That with the asymmetry of the action of the internal or external field on the system (body) allows to system change its impulse.

In particular, the momentum of the system can be changed both by an external and by an internal source of the field including e / m fields. For this, it is only necessary that the total integral of the force created by the field is not equal to zero. This is achieved by creating an asymmetry of the action of an internal or external field on the system.

With the symmetry of the action of the field on the system, or with the symmetric interaction of systems, Newton's third law acts, as the law of symmetry of interaction. With asymmetry of interaction, this law is transformed into the Law of Asymmetry of Interaction. That allows the system to accelerate in its own field.

The acceleration of the system can be achieved both due to the external and due to the internal field. Consequently, Newton's third law has the same limitations of its action as the laws of conservation of free momentum and free energy as the measures of motion. However, these measures change in isolated systems in non-potential fields and asymmetric interactions. That is the essence of our understanding of the operation of the new energetic laws of nature, unknown to people.

These new laws of nature make it possible to create Technology-X, which is capable to give us any required amount of energy, and is also capable of leading the system to its accelerated movement due to the asymmetry of the action of the internal electromagnetic field (or of any other physical field). For example, this refers to the asymmetry of the action of fields that create inertial forces. That forms the so-called inercoids.

Drives based on the asymmetry of the action of the internal e / m field are called non-reaction e / m drives. Thus, Technology-X has all the means for acceleration or deceleration of the motion an isolated physical system relative to other frames of reference by means of the action of internal forces in this system. That is based on the equivalence of action of sources of internal and external fields.


Non-reactive accelerated motion

In particular, jet propulsion is based on the method of converting a symmetric system of the field of mass into an asymmetric system of the field of the discarded mass, acting on the system accelerate by this field.

That creates from the internal field of the system (a field that has a symmetric internal effect on the system) an external field with an asymmetric action that accelerates this system. But, this method of creating field asymmetry is limited by the amount of mass that needs to be discarded. Since the asymmetry of the field is achieved by discarding the mass with which the field is associated.

There is another way to create the asymmetry of the internal e / m field without discarding of the mass. It is based on achieving the asymmetry of the action of electric and magnetic fields in Ampere-Lorentz forces. Since these forces can be both symmetric (obeying Newton's third law) and asymmetric, not obeying this law, but obeying the Law of Interaction Asymmetry.

Thus, the drives based on the creation of the internal asymmetry of the e / m field of the accelerated system (for example, a spacecraft) can be created due to the asymmetry of action in the system of Ampere-Lorentz forces.

The possibility of accelerated movement due to the creation of asymmetry of the internal e / m field of the Ampere forces was proved in laboratory experiments and implemented in devices created by the inventors using Technology-X. An example of this method of creating accelerations is, for example, the Searle disk, arranged according to this principle of creating an asymmetry of the Ampere-Lorentz forces acting on the disk. As well as other e / m devices created by inventors.

E / m drives may not have moving part or ejected mass. Drives created according to this principle have the same properties as jet propulsion, but they do not require mass ejection. At the same time, these installations consume a certain amount of energy (movement of charges), which is necessary to create an asymmetry of the field. This loss of energy can be replenished by the universal power plants described by us above and created on the basis of Technology-X.

In view of this, a new understanding of the energy and dynamic laws of nature makes it possible to create means of transport, including space and air transport, based on the internal asymmetry of the e / m field created in the vehicle system.?That creates the acceleration of vehicle in the same way as in jet engines when the mass is thrown away, but without discarding/ejecting of the mass.

Calculations show that these new e / m?drives, when using conventional forms of e / m devices, are capable of accelerating a mass four times greater than the mass of the?drive. Using superconducting devices, the mass accelerated by the mover/ drive can be increased by one or two orders. Since the magnitude of the electromagnetic force in superconducting devices is proportional to the increase of the current.?And it is also a law of nature that is part of Technology-X that we discovered.


Applications of Technology-X

Technology-X is applicable to create universal sources of free energy and free impulse, both in the field of space technology and in the field of other means of transport. Also Technology-X can be used in the field of electricity generation. This allows using Technology-X devices instead of rechargeable batteries in electric cars, trains, boats, ships, and air vehicles, including electric planes, drones and helicopters. But, the use of this technology in military equipment should be limited.


Our suggestions

Our team can train your specialists both in a new understanding of the operation of energetic and dynamic laws, and in the methods for designing the corresponding devices according to Technology-X. That will mean the transfer of Technology-X to you on the terms determined by us.

In view of this, those restrictions that are imposed on the study of other planets will be removed. In particular, the restrictions for the exploration of Mars and the planets of the solar system. And even the restrictions for the exploration of the planets of other stellar systems. Those restrictions were created by the previous wrong understanding of the operation of the energetic and dynamic laws of nature, which is known to mankind.

In order to present our proposals in more detail we would like to conclude an agreement. That will allow us to give you detailed information on Technology-X and its specific capabilities known only to us and based on the totality of know-how known to us.


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