A new UK political & judiciary order Cummings?
Judges walk from Westminster Abbey to the Palace of Westminster, marking the beginning of the legal year. Photograph: Claire Doherty/In Pictures/Getty Images

A new UK political & judiciary order Cummings?

From listening to Dominic Cummings' sorry saga and confessions like session, to learning from the psychologist Daniel Kahneman and Nudge co-author Cass Sunstein recent book review ‘Noise’, Margaret Heffernan's Wilful Blidness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at Our Peril' to ‘Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe’ by Niall Ferguson.

It felt quite important to reflect on my lifetime's dreadful human loss/cost due to ‘NOISE’, what was the source of the noise that was fed into the political system and how it was handled, when:

  • Mr Cameron recently lobbying the government for the collapsed finance company?
  • Mr. Brown's government spending spree and incomplete misunderstanding of the banking institution prior to the 2008 global financial crisis?
  • Mr Blair leading Britain military adventure in Iraq?
  • COVID19 first-wave catapult from hospitals into care-homes with discharging some patients without testing, isolation, or PPE for care workers?

Plus, helping doctors and patients make informed decision about their diagnosis and treatment plan is my personal interest, passion to impact and improve using technological advances as one of my lifetime missions. Knowing that despite the many advances in the life sciences. Hundreds of thousands of women around the world experience a misdiagnosis due to clinical misjudgement, miscommunication, false clinical tests or medical malpractice every year. 

These calamities are no coincidence. The current democratic system could not come up with the appropriate solution like choosing a new post-WWII cabinet that of C. Attlee due to collective national knowledge of the type of leadership that is required in different times.

Still the change that is needed has to be fundamental and for Number 10 future Cabinets to be agile and versatile, if we were to learn from history and stop the cycle of repeating deadly mistakes in different forms.

Perhpas it’s time for a NEW political model that involves our modern studies of human individual vs group collective behaviour, neuroscience and computer science (i.e. simply AI). A cabinet that is led by an optimum mix of balancing personalities, genders and subject scholars. Our hope that our human capacity, brain plasticity for bettering our tomorrow can never be underestimated.

P.S. The three well-known political models deployed in the Western hemisphere:

  1. The Athenian radical democracy model.
  2. Intellectuals led model, introduced by Plato (347 BC).
  3. The Roman complex institution-based republic.



