New Trend Study: The Algo Life
In today’s era of TMI, brands no longer have the power to lead Zs down a preordained consumer path. Instead, Zs are letting their algorithms take the wheel and drive their path to discovery.?
As their engagement with brands becomes increasingly driven by the scroll, Zs have accepted the fact that they’re being influenced — and they’re increasingly taking that influence into their own hands.?
We all know that Gen Zs are true social media natives, but it’s impossible to emphasize enough just how influential these apps and platforms are in their lives — not to mention their consumer journeys. Every day, this generation is exposed to an avalanche of cultural incoming that reaches them through their screens.?
More than half (54%) of Zs use social media at least four hours a day — almost double the amount of other U.S. adults (28%) — and 38% of Zs spend more than four hours a day perusing their favorite feeds.?
Meanwhile, research shows that this generation sees a brand every minute, and 80% of Zs tell Archrival their generation is exposed to more brands and advertising than any other generation. On the one hand, this makes Zs a generation that is always browsing the virtual aisles — a plus for brands. But there’s pain with the gain: Zs are becoming overloaded and burned out from this content onslaught, and nearly two-thirds (64%) say their generation is more overwhelmed than any other.
What does this mean for brands??
Gen Zs’ consumer journeys are far more fluid than previous gens, so adjust your brand touchpoints accordingly. While the traditional consumer path had a wide funnel to catch consumers en masse, consumers today each follow their own meandering nonlinear route. Brands must be agile and multifaceted enough to reach consumers in more niche moments.
Check out the full Algo Life article for more on how Zs are discovering, purchasing, and interacting with brands today — and how to reach them.
Andrew Roth