New Title!
Jen Kline Clark
Get More Clients with Messaging That Converts – Smart Strategy, Clear Positioning & Consistent YESSES ??
If you have tried to google about the book, you may have seen there is already a well-entrenched community around "Love Makes A Family". We knew it was a working title and would eventually change the name, but the time has come. I found there was already some confusion, and that is the last thing I want. So my publisher, Karen Hodges Miller of Open Door Publications, and I sat down and took a deeper dive into the text. Once we did, the new, better-aligned with the story, title jumped out at us. And so, let me introduce to you (drumroll please), "Love Changes Everything"!
Unfortunately, I cannot really update the Kickstarter campaign much. There are many elements of Kickstarter that are set in stone, and lots of places I cannot change the title. I am afraid that changing the title in some places and not in others would cause more confusion. So for now, the new title will have to live in the updates. That's ok. It will make a bigger splash later!
But I am open to suggestions. If you have ideas, about any of this, please share with me! Thanks for all your support. Please keep helping the village grow!
Love Makes A Family, a children's story - a Kickstarter Campaign