New Time, New Materials. The time for change is now.

New Time, New Materials. The time for change is now.

Products are adapting with a focus on protecting our planet and the people on it. Here are some of the new materials that are starting to trend in the market.


Antibacterial material, specially processed to inhibit and prevent bacterial loads, thanks to the incorporation of static permanent microbial agents, with an effectiveness of at least 99% against bacterial contamination.


Limestone cement is a binder formed by the mixture of natural materials, mainly ground limestone and water, resulting in a material of great consistency and durability.


RPET or recycled PET is a material made from the reuse of PET, a kind of plastic present, mainly in the manufacture of bottles and other packaging for drinks. Through industrial processes, PET waste is 100% recycled, resulting in rPET, whose carbon footprint (CO2 emissions into the atmosphere) is drastically reduced. In this way, a simple plastic bottle becomes a resistant material with a multitude of applications and functionalities. This is, at the same time, a recycled and recyclable compound.


PLA (Polylactic Acid) is manufactured from 100% natural resources such as corn starch, yucca or sugar cane, being degradable and in our products, it becomes 100% compostable at the end of its lifespan, avoiding the generation of toxic waste. In addition, its versatility and different textures makes it a suitable compound for the elaboration of diverse articles, from bags to bottles, reducing considerably the use of energy during its manufacturing process.


Wheat straw is obtained from organic waste of the remains of the wheat harvest. Through its reuse, it contributes to the reduction of the use of plastics in a remarkable way, resulting in durable, versatile and resistant compounds, which can be applied in the elaboration of infinite products.


Bamboo fibre is obtained from the organic filaments of this plant, characterized by its rapid growth and its wide ecological connotations. The inclusion of bamboo fiber (FIBRE) in various compounds creates new and resistant materials, becoming a sustainable alternative to the traditional highly polluting plastics.


Organic cotton, the cotton of our ancestors, grown using sustainable methods with low impact on the environment. The non-use of insecticides, fertilizers or other chemicals in the yarn and production processes results in a comfortable fabric, 100% plant-derived and hypoallergenic, in a natural weave that claims traditional agriculture.


Cotton waste from manufacturing processes, together with that from products that have reached the end of their lifespan, takes on a new life. A question arises: Does cotton recovery result in a quality fabric? The answer is YES, preserving natural resources and reducing the amount of waste generated. In addition, regenerated cotton keeps the properties of soft touch.


Cork is considered an excellent insulator, flexible, which regenerates naturally around the trunk of the trees from which it is extracted, mainly from the oak tree. The processes of cork extraction have a minimum impact on the environment, also standing out for being one of the most durable and resistant organic materials.


Natural jute stands out among sustainable materials because the manufacturing processes have a low impact on the environment, together with its rapid regeneration. The natural aspect, together with its resistance and durability, makes of it a sustainable material of reference.


The natural bamboo plant is characterised by its great resistance, flexibility and above all, by its rapid growth and regeneration, a characteristic that makes it a sustainable material and an excellent alternative to the use of traditional wood, with a multitude of applications. It is naturally resistant to plagues, so it does not require the use of pesticides.


The remains of paper from the manufacturing processes, together with the paper that has reached the end of its lifespan, become an ecological and sustainable material. During the paper recycling process, the amount of virgin fibres used is drastically reduced, contributing to the conservation of forests. In addition, the amount of energy used in the process of recycled paper is considerably reduced, compared to the energy required for the production of traditional white paper.


No more throwaway culture, the planet needs help and we are going to provide it. The reuse of products is presented as a lifestyle, combined with the most current eco-trends. Glass, stainless steel, cotton, paper... are just some examples of durable and reusable materials, necessary for the Earth. Joining the change is now within everyone’s reach.

Take a look at some of the products here:

Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels


