The New Thieves - Mvelope

The New Thieves - Mvelope

I signed up a while back for the app "Mvelopes." I didn't like the app and I canceled it. Then months later, years even? I receive a notice my account is going to be "Upgraded" and my bank card charged WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. I told them, first with grace, then with profanity and anger when they sent me another notice.

I explained in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, that if they charged my bank card WITHOUT my permission, I would take them to court. Wes Shelnutt, the Mvelopes Product Director wrote back and said (sic - misspellings theirs):

"Per the Mvelopes Terms & Conditions you agreed to when you enrolled, “You understand and agree that the cancellation of your account is your sole right and remedy with respect to any dispute with Finicity.” To exercise this right, please click here to learn more about cancellations. If you have already cancelled your account, then you may disregard the messages related to your account’s upgrade to MV5, as these are automated messages related to residual data left in your account such as budget customizations or envelope names.

All MV4 accounts will be migrated to MV5 in the next couple of weeks, regardless of opt-outs. I’m sorry if this upsets you, but we will be migrating all accounts and sunsetting MV4 soon so that we can focus our team’s full attention on supporting and improving the MV5 experience."

So, they really DON'T CARE if I'm inconvenienced, upset, or angry. They're doing what they want to do anyway! Screw their customers. Screw me apparently too.

If you have an Mvelopes account you've canceled be on the lookout for this. Other apps are doing the same thing - reactivating and charging accounts without your permission or knowledge. Beware.

It's NOT just Mvelopes that is doing this. I've received notifications and charges from other apps that I canceled as well. The new online thievery is to reactivate deactivated accounts and hope that the $5, $10, or $20 they're charging isn't noticed.

What Mvelopes is telling ME is that their programming isn't sophisticated enough to filter out canceled accounts. That, or they're hoping people don't notice their account has been reactivated.

If you MUST buy an app, purchase it on a card you can cancel, block, or otherwise lock when companies like Mvelopes decide to reactivate without your permission.

EDIT: I went looking for reviews to see if I'm the only one. Apparently not. These reviews and more were listed on

Elizabeth says:

February 10, 2020 at 7:30 pm

Mvelopes is exhibiting signs of serious business troubles.

Customer chat is no longer available. I tried calling the Personal Finance Advisor number; message was “wait for next available agent”. After being on hold for 15 minutes, the music stopped playing and I was left with dead air. Gave it another couple minutes before hanging up.

Called the support line for Premier and Complete customers and received a recording. Email support, or schedule a call on Tried to leave a message, but it cut me off after 10 seconds. Went to schedule a call; first appointmen is 8 days out.

A banner on the top of their FAQ page states that they only do support via email.

This is so sad to see. I used their program years ago and loved it. Everyone else only does monthly layout, loved that their program let you allocate each paycheck.

Looks like I’m back to spreadsheets again.__________________


Greg says:

April 16, 2020 at 8:14 pm

I used to use Mvelopes, but they rushed out version 5 and it’s absolute garbage. Nothing like the old program. I finally had enough last Oct, and quit. I am not a beta tester, and I need my stuff to work. Period.

I now use YNAB, and while it has a bit of a learning curve, there is ample help available. It’s a much better program, and if you follow the method, it will pay off big time. Their forum is active with lots of folks who can answer questions, plus they have free classes you can sign up for, videos to watch about the system, etc. I have gone further in 6 months with YNAB, than I did in years with Mvelopes. If you have debt and want to pay it off, YNAB is the ONLY way to go.


sara says:

March 3, 2020 at 6:22 pm

I think Mvelopes is dying. Customer service used to be readily available by chat. Now no chat is available even in the times listed. I’ve sent an email and received no answer. That’s unfortunate as I have used Mvelopes for 10 years. I am switching to YNAB, which seems to be what Mvelopes should have become.


Jessy says:

January 1, 2020 at 10:28 pm

Mvelopes as an app is fine, but as a company they are very poor. I cancelled my subscription and was charged the month after. I then asked them to delete my credit card information and two separate customer service reps confirmed it was deleted in February 2019. I was then charged again in December 2019… So buyer beware!


Christie says:

March 24, 2016 at 1:39 pm tried mvelopes about a year ago… Had great difficulties and with little help and inadequate support, i finally gave up after many hours/days/weeks of trying to resolve the issues.

After a year, i thought i would try again… Surely they would have improved – right? Wrong

For over a week now, i have not been able to even add accounts, i have used the online chat and submitted tickets with detailed information and screen shots. The responses are always incredibly simplistic (showing they didn’t even take the time to really read my email nor investigate the issue). After responding again to them and supplying more clarifying details, their responses still dont help… If you look at their help topics and their support ticket responses, they are very simplistic and always point the problem to you or your financial institution, they never take ownership of the issues within mvelopes.

After many hours and many attempts, I have once again given up on Mvelopes.

I am very disappointed because I love the concept behind Mvelopes but the system is not user friendly, there are numerous bugs, and the support is virtually non-existent.


Samantha Armstrong says:

February 7, 2017 at 12:55 pm

Don’t recommend


Elizabeth says:

May 16, 2017 at 5:20 pm

I have been using mvelopes for at least 2 years. Starting 3 months ago I have been having trouble logging on from desktops and laptops. Both Mac and PC. I have been contacting them throughout to still be having the same issue. Has yet to be resolved. I have chosen to write about it because the only solution they can give me is to elevate it to the developers. 3 months later, I still can’t log in. Talked to a supervisor (finally) today and he is going to look into it personally, something I have been told by 3 others already, and he will get back to me. When I asked for a time frame of when I would hear from him again, he said he can’t give me false information. Long story short 48-72hours. I have had NO issues with mvelopes and have referred many to this software until recently. SO, this long winded statement in its entirety, to those who look into this as their budgeting software……Mvelopes support is S L O W! Online chat available only.


Debra Panes says:

January 22, 2020 at 10:08 am

I’ve been using mvelopes for 3 years and I’m done. They keep losing contact with my accounts, duplicating transactions and won’t let me link my bank account. I’ve tried to set certain transactions to auto file into the correct envelope, but that never seems to work. I have issues logging in from my PC and the app is not user friendly. I’ve submitted numerous tickets but don’t get any real response.

I think they have a great idea, but they don’t have the technical support to sustain their software. I’m paying for the privileged to use their product but feel like I’m a beta tester. If that’s the case, then I shouldn’t have to pay them. It has greatly increased the amount of time it takes to do my bills and keep a budget.


Toni says:

February 18, 2020 at 2:24 pm

I totally agree with you. I have been a long-time Mvelopes user and loved it so much that I used it as my business accounting program. However, as of lately, they have “upgraded” (feels more like a downgrade!) their software and now I don’t even have the ability to export my envelopes, it doesn’t give totals. Currently, it doesn’t even import my bank transactions. I have to import them manually. A very frustrated user. I love the idea of allocating my money and transactions and how it has worked for many years, but now it is a total frustration! Not to mention the last time I logged in, the unallocated 250 of my transactions. Don’t know what’s going on over there at Mvelopes.


Robert Walker says:

February 9, 2020 at 1:36 pm

I’m sorry, but I cannot recommend mvelopes after using it for 10+years as a lifetime member. They are having serious internal problems that have left the software unusable for weeks at a time. Support is all but non existent the past few years. Mvelopes of old saved my financial life, but as of Sept last year after not being able to use it for two months, if left them for another product.




April 28, 2020 at 1:33 pm

I just decided today to quit Mvelopes after 15+ years as a customer. I kept hoping mvelopes 5 would fix some of their issues, but it didn’t. I’m so disappointed as I loved them!


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