New Theory rising as Synchosis balance among power, force, space and energy (speed)
The coming theory actually was based on the classical knwoledge of the celestial astronomy for the certain orbit of the plants and how it to be called as the speed of the escaping from the gravity it withholds, which drives the rockets into the sky as current astronant development. While the certain issue that we have ignored is that, actually the liberation brought by the energy (speed) towards certain withhold space one shall open as rotation of certian hight, such as different planet in the solar system, withholding its own indepednece as radius differed by the distance of the its orbit towards the Sun. Hence we might start to realize that the imagination we called towards the liberation is a illusion, the liberation does not free us from anything but instead to hold indepedence from the space we open from the power and force, regards as enegetic speed manifestation towards its power to withold such space as certain orbit.
The discuss is that Why we need such 'liberation'? just try to image that the Sun is not a silent start, it rans as a huge and magnificance of the speed towards another center of the hige star, which formed his withold and indepedence----that is to say, the liberation is the withhold of the certain force and power one is dealing with in equalibrium expression in the orbit height. Those withholds space enable us could be stably move with Sun's power and force towards another centre.
Hence here existed certain expression of the dimensions of such energetic accumulation and diffsions based on consicousness or awarenss of the level of realizations.
Based on mathcmatic insight towards the Calculus, what we would get is the accumulation might be happned in a equal base, or an unequal baed, or even a fluctuated base as the traveler search to return to archaetypal ultimate power, as the When the power become infination magnificnece, it might be correlated with a huge huge huge centre black hole, which drive a infinite force with such power. while based on those ultimate power, it might drive differentiation towards different level of the existence of the different space and energy correlated with it, it is the space and energy divide the universe with different layers with stableness and certainty.
based on the accumulation, we might assumed that the equal accumulation might be based on the correlation between the accumulation of the levels of the radius in the different system of the celestials, as visible and measure numbers.
Then in the accumulational measurement towards the additonal unequal accumulations might be yielded by the fomulation of certain derivatives funtion towards dx as f(x)=dx =Y ----> f(x)'= Dx=DY as additional accumulated fomulational derivatives to be observed.
Such accumulational level of formulation shows a insight of unequal accumulation of the force and power, which would be safely utilized into observation of the Sexgesmail system for different degree as individual assessment but 60' as certain 360 variational assessment of such unequal accumulation, as what we migt realized the power stand for the insight of the 'Rageem' by the strenthing forces applied on it, in ancient Chinese it has been described as å¨(power)--力(force)and we might consider that such accumulation would reach to its limis.
While from another point view, regrds to the fluctuational accumlation, it varies the accumational index in either minus or plus in a dualistic manener in order to form a certain fluctuations, hence we might treated as an fluctuation to be caculated by the Binary system to meaure the structure of the such fluctuation in Binary value towards the detained space and energy (speed) with it as ancient Chinese described as 势(space)--能(energy).
under such cicumstands, we might treated there might existed certain correlaton towards the equal accumulation (dx) with unequal accumulation (sum Dx-Dy-Di-----) and with fluctuated accumations that is dedicated with the certain reaction model within its oranism.
Through this we could get a new logic as :
- if the power & force reach to its infinition, it might indicate that the space--energy is close to 0.
- but reversely, if the power & force is close to 0, it might be presented as the Space -energy are possibly close infinition large, or infinition small, or even as well as close to 0.
Hence here we say this is universe measurement with divine manifestations, rather than a pure rational deductions, hence There might existed a justification & justice scale as two mythical expression in the for å¨(power)--力(force)with 势(space)--能(energy), with divien level correalted into manifestations