The New Technology Behind Success
Michael Bernoff
Best-Selling Author | Host of the Average Sucks Podcast | Founder of the Human Communications Institute
We've all mastered so many things in our lives, but most of us still haven't fully mastered ourselves and how to achieve the success we so desperately want. We look at others accomplishing remarkable things and we look in the mirror and ask, “Why not me?”
But, what if I told you there are essential technologies you can apply to get the results you want. You may think you "know" these technologies, but knowing them and living them consistently and persistently are two different things. If you get nothing else, understand that success is in the doing, not the knowing.
If you are reading this, you already feel, somewhere deep in your gut that you are not as successful as you rightfully deserve to be. Even if you are doing great, you know you are not at your personal best. Chris Rock said it brilliantly, "Oprah is rich; Bill Gates is wealthy. If Bill Gates woke up tomorrow with Oprah's money, he'd jump out of a ... window and slit his throat on the way down saying, “I can't even put gas in my plane!”. Mega-success comes down to perspective and that is one of the critical shifts you must make when aggressively pursuing success.
You already know what you need to do to get what you want. Think about it. If I ask you how to be more fit and buff, you would tell me, "work out, eat right and get good sleep." So, why aren't you fit and buff? You know you want to be. You know that if you are fit and buff you likely will live longer. You know you will have more time with your wife, kids, grandkids, and even your dog. Knowing is not enough. It never has been and it never will be.
The real question is, how do we get YOU to DO what you KNOW you SHOULD be doing? This applies to both your personal and professional life. The first step is figuring out what truly motivates you and, then, learn how to do it better. Successful people have made motivation a daily choice. But, motivation alone isn't enough. Learning isn't even enough. Do you know why? Because, true learning doesn't start until you take what you've learned and DO something with it.
If you really want great change in your life, I'm going to ask you to do one very basic thing. Make a decision and start moving forward with it in some way. It doesn't have to be huge. It doesn't have to be earth shattering, it simply needs to be progress. Progress is a huge technology behind success and overlooked for perfection on the road to success. So, what's stopping you from making this decision and progressing? 10 out of 10 times it is a lack of confidence in your ability to be ultimately successful in the endeavor.
The Emotional Trap
Do you realize what that means? Your lack of success is being held up due to your emotional state. Hence, the next technology behind success is getting control over your emotional state. Once you have that, you can help others with their emotional states.
Emotions are everything in sales. Stop trying to sell people based on logic, people buy based on emotion. No one makes big decisions in their life like marriage, divorce or even going to the gym because it’s the LOGICAL thing to do. They do it because they have been triggered EMOTIONALLY into making a decision. If you want to trigger people into emotional decisions, you need to have control over your own emotional state and, in so doing, be able to influence others into connecting their own emotional state with the decision at hand. You first should get them to listen, next you need to engage them with the information and then get them emotionally involved in what you are sharing with them.
Also, this notion that you must enjoy everything, or it's not worth your time, is a load of crap. The truth is, learning how to hold a golf club is very boring, there is no joy or fun in learning how to hold a golf club. But, just ask anyone that drives a tiny white ball across 300 yards in a perfect straight line how exciting that is and you will understand that not all the things you must do today to ensure your success tomorrow are going to be fun. A person that only subscribes to what is enjoyable misses out on those 300-yard drives their whole life. Sometimes what bores you, is what you need to learn the most. Think about that for ten minutes alone in the dark, ha!
I didn't come from a rich home, I didn't come from a poor home, I came from where most of 1980's American kids came from, The middle-class. Whether it's lower or upper middle class, many of us have what I call a "victim mentality." The reason for this is that you have not just enough to survive, you have just a little bit more than you need. This encourages a lack of drive. Because when you're truly poor, all you want to do is stay where you are or climb to the top. The rich want to work to make sure they keep what they have. But the middle-class is cursed with complacency. Just enough is good enough, right?
Of course not, but we settle for it. And that is no way to soar through the universe on your amazing ride!
The Personal Development Challenge
Let's talk about personal development programs. No one has participated in more of them than I have. I was into success like you couldn't believe! I could repeat any word from any personal development speaker. I could recite things with ease what most people had never even heard. I was totally into success. But, it wasn't working for me. Not all the time anyway, in fact, not even most. Success was spotty. I wasn't being successful because I was "on" one week and then "off" for six. I was focused on my problems. The problem with focusing on the problems is that you're going to get more of the problem. What we focus on grows and expands. Focusing on the problem is the largest reason why people fail.
The personal development industry is sharing the wrong information with people. I spent tens of thousands of dollars on books on how to set goals. I would stay up all night writing down these goals. I would make goals like "I have a Ferrari." Listen, I am six foot six inches and 245 pounds; I don't even fit in a Ferrari. But, I had an extreme case of what I call a "reality perception disorder" where I was thinking that if I could just write down my goals that I would then somehow miraculously achieve them. Writing down your goals is not going to drive you to them.
Another big problem is that you are often focused on other people. A great example of this is the plane crash scenario and you have been told to put your own mask on first. People that do not put their own mask on first are actually the MOST selfish! Why? Because that person could have saved 25 or more lives had they just acted selfishly and taken care of themselves first. So, how do you start getting selfish and start taking massive action? The first thing to do is sell yourself on taking the actions you need to take in your life to accomplish the things you want to do.
You are going to have to decide that you don't like where you are currently in your life. This is hard for people. Many have spent decades pretending they are happy for the life they settled for. Even if that is a $600,000 a year salary, when they know they should be earning at least $1,000,000 a year. You are going to have to admit that you have been complacent. That you are settling for a middle-class mindset. Yet, you are capable of more in life. I know if you are reading this far, you already agree with me. The second thing you must do is get yourself to act, consistently.
Being Accountable
Always remember that logic is superseded by emotion. Emotions are more powerful and are what moves the body. Think about any life decision, from marriage to divorce. We make these reasons based on emotion, not logic. I also know that if you are not reminded, if you are not held accountable to the decisions and commitments you make that you will not be nearly as successful as someone that is being reminded and held accountable. In fact, this is the ONE technology that really shifts people from settling for comfortable to going for the gold. An accountability coach will hold people to their commitments daily. No successful professional athlete does it alone; it takes a team of accountability partners to ensure their nutrition, diet, exercise and practice times to ensure huge success on the field.
Sometimes, it just takes a coach. We work with people in groups and one-on-one to set up your five-year plan. Most of our clients achieve their 5-year plan in just 18 months. That's not bragging, that’s just how effective the process is. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could look in the mirror 18 months from now having ACCOMPLISHED all your goals? That allows for you to continue creating and developing new goals – and achieving even more. We can help you get more done in five days than you have in five months.
If you are truly ready to achieve in even more remarkable ways, let us show you how we can help. Reach out to us at or call (480) 214-9801 for more information.
Property Management Business Owner & Buyer | Enriching Mobile Home Communities - MD at Councyl Capital
5 年I already work with a coach but dang that is motivating! Thank you Michael I read the whole thing and it is GOLDEN! I look forward to meeting you soon!