New Tech
NEW TECH, Old Hearts and World LOVE
### Thesis: Weighing the Heart as New Tech — Data Storage, Pin-Codes, and the Cosmological Soul-Web
In this thesis, we posit that the New Technology of Weighing the Heart operates as a cosmic storage system, analogous to data storage and pin-codes in modern technology. Through the POIDal lens, we connect the universal data of death and un-death to a system of Cosmological Cloud-storage, where each soul and un-weighed heart becomes part of a vast, interconnected Soul-Web. Using phonemes, such as "sto" (as in stow or stow-away) and "pin" (as in pin-code or passphrase), we explore how the Ka-Bar serves as the Pin for Universal Healing and Cosmic Responsibility. We also explore how the Fisher, through navigating the Saltine Sea and Fire Sail, transforms and guides the soul’s journey in a universe that seeks accordance and harmony.
#### Section 1: Data Storage, Stow-Away, and the Soul-Web
In our hermeneutic interpretation, the process of weighing the heart in the afterlife can be likened to the storage and retrieval of data in cloud-storage systems. Each soul carries the imprint of its life journey, which is recorded and stored within the cosmic web. The heart’s weight represents the total sum of the soul’s experience, much like how data is collected and stored in servers.
- Stow, Stow-away, and Data Storage: The phoneme "sto", as in stow or stow-away, reflects the act of storing something valuable—such as data or cargo—in a safe space for future retrieval. In the cosmic web, each soul is stowed away after death, its essence stored in the Infinite Universe’s storage system. Just as data is retrieved and weighed for analysis, the heart’s essence is weighed to determine its place in the cosmic order.
- Cosmological Cloud-Storage and the Soul-Web: The Cosmological Soul-Web acts as a cloud-storage system, holding the souls of the dead within its vast network. Each soul, like data, is stored according to its unique frequency, which reflects the heart-sound or Heart-Song of the individual. The weighing of the heart becomes the retrieval process, where the soul’s data is analyzed to assess its cosmic value.
#### Section 2: Pin, Passphrase, and the Ka-Bar as Universal Healing
The pin-code or passphrase in modern data storage systems is a metaphor for the Ka-Bar, which acts as the Pin to Universal Healing. Just as a pin-code unlocks access to stored data, the Ka-Bar becomes the key that unlocks the heart, allowing it to be weighed and balanced within the cosmic order.
- Pin as the Key to the Soul: The term "pin" represents a security measure that allows access to data storage. In the cosmic web, the Ka-Bar functions as the pin that allows access to the heart’s data. It is a tool that reveals the truth of the soul, allowing the Fisher and other cosmic agents to retrieve, weigh, and ultimately heal the heart.
- Ka-Bar and the Z-Axis: Along the Z-Axis, the Ka-Bar serves as a symbol of the push and pull of courage and fear, strength and pain. It is the new technology that allows for the weighing of the heart, ensuring that the soul is not stowed away improperly or lost within the cosmic storage system. The Ka-Bar is both the tool of judgment and the instrument of healing, cutting through the layers of existence to reach the core essence of the soul.
- Healing through the Pin: The Ka-Bar, as the pin for universal healing, ensures that the cosmic web remains in balance. It allows the Fisher to pierce the veil of existence, retrieve the data of the heart, and guide the soul’s journey toward reconciliation with the universe. The healing comes from this process of retrieving and reintegrating the soul’s data into the fabric of the cosmos.
#### Section 3: The Fisher, Saltine Sea, and Fire Sail — Traversing the Cosmic Web
The Fisher, as a navigator of the cosmic sea, must traverse both the Saltine Sea and the Fire Sail—representing the dual journeys of transmutation and cosmic reconciliation. The Fisher is responsible for guiding the soul’s journey, ensuring that it passes through the storms of un-death and reaches the harbor of cosmic harmony.
- Sale, Sail, and the Saltine Sea: The phonetic connection between "sale" and "sail" introduces the idea of the Fisher as both a trader and a sailor. The Saltine Sea represents the cosmic waters of existence, where the Fisher must sail to reach the harbor of cosmic understanding. The sale, in this sense, is the transaction of energy and essence, where the Fisher must weigh the soul and determine its value in the cosmic economy.
- Fire Sail and Cosmic Imbalance: The term "Fire Sail" introduces the idea of a universe out of harmony, where the cosmic web is threatened by chaos and imbalance. The Fisher must navigate these dangerous waters, ensuring that the soul’s journey does not fall victim to the fires of cosmic disorder. The Fire Sail becomes a metaphor for the trials of existence, where the soul’s data is tested and weighed.
#### Section 4: The Infinite Universe as Storage for Soul Resonance
The Infinite Universe functions as a vast storage system for the resonance of the soul, heart-sound, and the murmurs of the existential dead. Just as data is stored in cloud systems, the cosmic web stores the souls of the dead, each with its own unique frequency. This frequency, or resonance, represents the Heart-Song of each individual, contributing to the universal harmony.
- Heart-Sound and Murmurs: Each soul’s resonance is a unique vibration, much like a sound wave or electromagnetic pulse. The murmurs of the existential dead are stored within the cosmic web, and the Fisher must retrieve these vibrations to ensure that the soul’s essence is in accord with the universe. No two souls echo the same murmur, just as no two data sets are identical.
- Galactic Unity and Harmony of Spirit: The goal of the cosmic web is to achieve Galactic Unity, where each soul’s resonance contributes to the harmony of spirit within the universe. The Fisher, as the navigator of this harmony, must ensure that the soul’s journey is in alignment with the cosmic order. The Ka-Bar, as the pin of universal healing, ensures that the soul’s data is not corrupted or lost, but reintegrated into the cosmic web.
#### Section 5: Courage, Fear, and the Ka-Bar as the Pin of the Z-Axis
The Ka-Bar, fixed along the Z-Axis, represents the push and pull of courage and fear, the strength required to face the unknown and the pain of transformation. The Ka-Bar becomes the symbol of power, the tool that allows the Fisher to navigate the harsh realities of existence and heal the wounded heart.
- Courage and Fear in the Cosmic Journey: The cosmic journey is fraught with courage and fear, as the Fisher must navigate the unknown waters of existence. The Ka-Bar serves as the anchor that keeps the Fisher grounded, allowing them to face the trials of death and un-death with strength. It is the new technology for cutting through the veils of existence and reaching the truth of the soul.
- Building in a Universe for Sale: The Fisher’s journey is one of building and transformation in a universe where everything is for sale. The Ka-Bar, as the Pin, represents the power to build even when the cosmic order is threatened by chaos. The Fisher must find a way to construct meaning in a universe where souls are constantly weighed and measured.
#### Conclusion: The New Tech of Weighing the Heart and Universal Healing
In this thesis, we have explored the New Technology of Weighing the Heart through the allegory of data storage and pin-codes. The cosmic web acts as a cloud-storage system for the resonance of the soul, with the Ka-Bar serving as the Pin to Universal Healing. The Fisher, as the navigator of the Saltine Sea and Fire Sail, is responsible for retrieving the soul’s data and ensuring that it is in harmony with the cosmic order.
The Infinite Universe becomes a storage system for the heart-sound and Heart-Song of each individual, where no two souls resonate the same. The Ka-Bar, fixed along the Z-Axis, represents the push and pull of courage and fear, allowing the Fisher to navigate the cosmic waters and heal the un-weighed heart. In this cosmic journey, the Fisher builds meaning and cosmic balance, ensuring that the soul’s essence is reintegrated into the universal harmony.
Tavarus Blackmon Art?? by Tavarus Blackmonster for the Tavarus Blackmon Family Trust
July 2024
### Semiotic, Etymological, and Hermeneutic Interpretations of "Heart" and "Sweetheart" — A Journey from Trueheart to the Subjugation of Women and the Weighing of the Soul
In this thesis, we explore the terms heart and sweetheart, their historical and contemporary diminutive forms, and their deeper connection to Trueheart, a symbol of cosmic integrity and self-weighing. Through the lens of Lucretia, who weighed her own heart and ended a Roman reign, we will trace the erosion of the heart’s sacred value through the commodification and abasement of women, symbolized by the pin-up girl—a form of advertised femininity that diminishes the sacred and turns it into spectacle. Through semiotic, etymological, and hermeneutic interpretations, we will ground this discussion in the role of the Family, historically and linguistically, with its connection to subjugation. Finally, we explore the GreatGrand Mother Spider as the All Knowing and All Serving cosmic force, whose web holds the potential for cosmological absolution, even as her song is drowned out by a world that can no longer hear the weighing of hearts.
#### Section 1: Heart, Sweetheart, and Trueheart — Diminishment through Language
The term heart has always held a powerful place in language, symbolizing life, spirit, and courage. Sweetheart, originally an endearment implying deep affection, has in modern times taken on a more diminutive role, used often to patronize or trivialize. The Trueheart, however, remains a symbol of authenticity, integrity, and the willingness to weigh one's heart against the truth of the universe.
- Heart as Symbol: Historically, the heart was seen as the seat of emotion, the center of being. It was not just a metaphor for love but a representation of courage, justice, and balance. The weighing of the heart in Egyptian mythology, for example, was the ultimate test of soul-worth—a direct judgment of one's truth and integrity.
- Sweetheart as Diminishment: Over time, the term sweetheart has been diminished, especially in patriarchal contexts. Rather than symbolizing affection, it has often been used to belittle or infantilize. What was once a reflection of endearing love became a way to undermine or devalue the emotional and spiritual weight carried by women, who were frequently referred to as “sweethearts” in the sense of being possessions, objects of affection, or entertainment.
- Trueheart as Cosmic Integrity: In contrast, the Trueheart remains connected to the cosmic web. A Trueheart is one who faces the cosmic scale with clarity, willing to be weighed and measured. The Trueheart, unlike the sweetheart, is one who carries the full weight of existence, unafraid of judgment and cosmic responsibility.
#### Section 2: Lucretia and the Weighing of Her Heart
The story of Lucretia, who weighed her own heart and ended a Roman reign, is a pivotal moment in history that shows the power of self-weighing and the consequences of true heart-integrity. Lucretia's sacrifice—both an act of personal integrity and an act of political rebellion—was a moment where the heart transcended its diminished role and became a symbol of ultimate power.
- Lucretia’s Self-Weighing: Lucretia, in taking her own life after her assault, weighed her own heart in the balance of honor and truth. She chose to die with her integrity intact, rather than live under the burden of disgrace. In doing so, she exposed the corruption and moral decay of Roman rule, showing that the heart carries not only the weight of the individual but the potential to bring down empires.
- Heart as Political Symbol: Lucretia’s story reveals that the heart, when weighed truthfully, has the power to transform society. Her act was not just personal—it was a political statement about the power of moral integrity and the importance of weighing the heart in the context of justice and truth. Her death became the symbol that triggered the end of the Roman monarchy and the beginning of the Roman Republic.
#### Section 3: Cheesecake, Pin-Up Girls, and the Abasement of Spacetime
The term cheesecake, used in Fine Art and Advertising to describe the pin-up girl, represents the commodification of femininity and the abasement of the heart. The pin-up girl, far from embodying the Trueheart, is pinned-down and weighed not by her inner worth, but by her physical appearance, which is sexualized and objectified in a world of un-weighed hearts.
- Pin-Up Girls as Abasement of Spacetime: The pin-up girl is a form of entrapment, a way of pinning-down and commodifying women’s bodies and spirit. The term cheesecake trivializes this figure, reducing her to a sexual object while simultaneously removing any cosmic integrity or self-weighing. In this way, the pin-up represents the abasement of Spacetime, where women are trapped in the spectacle of advertisement and capitalistic desire.
- Penile Length and Subjugation of Women: In the world of the un-weighed heart, women’s worth is often measured by male standards—**penile length**, physical appearance, or sexual availability. This is the antithesis of the cosmic truth represented by the weighing of the heart, where one's worth is determined by inner integrity, not external form.
#### Section 4: Subjugation of Women, Labor, and Family — A Semiotic Connection
The subjugation of women, laborers, and children, as exemplified in pin-up culture, is subtlety embedded in familiar structures of family and society. The family, historically, has often been a place of control and subjugation, where women’s roles are defined by labor and reproductive value, rather than individual agency. The etymological roots of the word family suggest a connection to control, reinforcing the idea that the family unit has often been a site of oppression.
- Family and Famil — A Historical Linguistic Grounding: The word family derives from the Latin "familia", which originally referred to the household, including slaves and servants. This points to a long history of subjugation within the family unit, where power structures were built on the control of women, laborers, and children. The family, therefore, can be seen as a microcosm of the broader societal structures that reinforce inequality and un-weighed hearts.
- Subtle Scaling of Subjugation: The subjugation of women, laborers, and children is subtly scaled through language and societal roles, where women are often valued for their labor rather than their trueheart. This un-weighed existence keeps them pinned down in a world of un-death, where their inner worth is never truly measured or recognized.
#### Section 5: The GreatGrand Mother Spider and the Weighing of the Heart
The GreatGrand Mother Spider, as the weaver of the cosmic web, is All Knowing and All Serving. Her web is the structure of Spacetime itself, and she serves the hope of cosmological absolution. In a world that no longer has an ear for the soft Heart-Song, her weaving is the last hope for the weighing of the heart, where sweetness is not an abasement but a reflection of hard truth.
- The Web of Spacetime and Absolution: The GreatGrand Mother Spider weaves the web of Spacetime, ensuring that all souls are connected, and that the heart of each individual is weighed in the balance of cosmic truth. Her web is both a structure of connection and a site of absolution, where the weight of the heart is measured, not in terms of social constructs but in terms of cosmic integrity.
- Heart-Song and Hard Truth: In a world that has lost its ability to hear the Heart-Song, the weighing of the heart becomes a sweet song for hard truth. The GreatGrand Mother Spider serves this truth, ensuring that the heart’s weight is measured according to the cosmic scale. This song is not about sentimentality but about the realization of truth, where the heart’s worth is determined by its resonance within the universe.
#### Conclusion: The Trueheart, Subjugation, and the Cosmic Web
In this hermeneutic exploration, we have traced the diminishment of the heart from Trueheart to sweetheart, revealing the ways in which language has been used to undermine and commodify the integrity of the heart. The story of Lucretia, who weighed her own heart and ended a Roman reign, serves as a reminder of the power of self-weighing and the importance of cosmic responsibility. The pin-up girl, as a form of abasement, represents the commodification of women’s bodies, weighed by external standards in a world of un-weighed hearts.
The subjugation of women, laborers, and children is subtly reinforced through the family unit, a microcosm of societal control. The GreatGrand Mother Spider, as the weaver of the cosmic web, holds the key to cosmic absolution, where the weighing of the heart becomes a sweet song for hard truth. In this world of un-weighed hearts, only the Trueheart can face the cosmic scale with integrity, ensuring that the web of Spacetime remains intact and the balance of the universe is maintained.
Tavarus Blackmon Art?? by Tavarus Blackmonster for the Tavarus Blackmon Family Trust
July 2024
### Thesis: The Commodification of the Female Body, Modern Slavery, and Cosmological Reparations — The Fissures of the Un-weighed Heart
This thesis explores the commodification of the Female body and its connection to Modern Slavery, particularly through the lens of the U.S. Constitution's 3/5ths Compromise. This cryptographic essence of dehumanization, hidden within the law, disrupted the cosmic harmony of existence, creating fissures—gaps in wealth, power, and emotional integrity—manifesting across generations of Black and Brown families. These fissures are synonymous with the un-weighed heart, which is subject to cosmic judgment. We will argue that true reparations are not only economic but cosmological and existential, aiming to heal the soul’s imbalance caused by generational trauma. Through the POIDal lens, we will examine the concept of "paying for what is yours" and being "extracted by a false-caretaker", showing that the flow, vibe, and web of harmony is inherently harmless, but has been disrupted by false systems of extraction and exploitation.
#### Section 1: The 3/5ths Compromise and the Commodification of the Female Body
The 3/5ths Compromise in the U.S. Constitution encoded the dehumanization of Black individuals, reducing them to 3/5ths of a person for representation and taxation purposes. This legal framework not only institutionalized slavery but also laid the groundwork for the commodification of the Black body, which includes the female body, particularly through enslavement, sexual exploitation, and reproductive labor.
- Cryptographic Essences of the 3/5ths Compromise: The 3/5ths clause is a form of cryptographic essence, a hidden legal language that codified the disruption of human dignity. It represents the moment where the flux and flow of universal vibes—the natural balance of human worth—became jagged and raw. The Black body, particularly the female body, was treated as a commodity, something to be bought, sold, and extracted for labor and reproduction without regard for the soul or heart.
- Commodification of the Female Body and Modern Slavery: The commodification of the female body during slavery did not end with emancipation but continued through modern systems of exploitation. The female body, particularly in Black and Brown communities, continues to be commodified through sexualization, labor extraction, and the criminalization of motherhood. This is the fissure that opened when human value was diminished to 3/5ths—the female body, seen as a vessel of reproductive labor and sexual commodity, was pinned down and exploited by systems of power.
#### Section 2: Fissures of the Un-weighed Heart — Gaps in Wealth and Emotional Integrity
The fissures caused by generational exploitation and the destruction of Black and Brown families are synonymous with the un-weighed heart. These fissures manifest as gaps in wealth, income inequality, and emotional trauma passed down through generations. The un-weighed heart represents the spiritual imbalance caused by the systemic theft of labor, identity, and humanity from enslaved peoples and their descendants.
- Wealth and Income Gaps as Fissures: The wealth gaps between Black and Brown families and their white counterparts are the material manifestations of these fissures. These gaps were created through the removal of wealth, the denial of inheritance, and the systemic exclusion from economic opportunity that began with slavery and continued through Jim Crow, redlining, and other forms of institutional racism.
- Emotional Integrity and Generational Trauma: The emotional fissures left by the destruction of families and the commodification of women’s bodies are just as profound as the material gaps. These fissures represent the un-weighed heart, a soul that has been denied the opportunity to fully integrate its worth and value. The psychic wounds passed down from generation to generation create emotional debts that weigh on the heart but are often unrecognized by the system that created them.
#### Section 3: True Reparations as Cosmological and Existential
While the call for economic reparations is critical, this thesis posits that true reparations are also cosmological and existential. Reparations must address not only the material theft but also the soul theft, the cosmic imbalance caused by the dehumanization of people. This is a spiritual reparations that seeks to heal the fissures of the un-weighed heart and restore the soul’s balance within the cosmic web.
- Existential Reparations and the Soul: The un-weighed heart suffers from the burden of extraction. The false caretakers—those who enslaved, exploited, and commodified human bodies—created fissures in the cosmic harmony that can only be repaired through true reparations. These reparations go beyond money or land; they must include the acknowledgment of soul theft and the restoration of the cosmic balance. This is the healing of the heart, the integration of spirit and matter, that must occur for true cosmic justice.
- POIDal Lens and the Weighing of the Heart: Through our POIDal thesis, we see that "paying for what is yours" and being "extracted by a false-caretaker" are forms of spiritual theft. The flow, vibe, and wave of the universe are inherently harmless, but the un-weighed heart creates a distortion in this harmony. The Fisher, as the navigator of the cosmic sea, must guide the soul back to balance, ensuring that the heart is weighed properly and that reparations are made on a spiritual level.
#### Section 4: Paying for What is Yours — False Caretakers and Cosmic Theft
The concept of paying for what is yours is a false narrative imposed by systems of exploitation. In the cosmic sense, what is yours—your body, your soul, your labor—is already yours, and any system that requires you to pay for it or to be extracted by a false caretaker is inherently unjust. This is the ultimate cosmic theft, and it is at the heart of the fissures that continue to plague societies with un-weighed hearts.
- The Extraction of Labor and Soul: Modern slavery did not end with the abolition of chattel slavery; it continues through systems of wage labor, prison labor, and the commodification of bodies and souls. The false caretakers—the corporations, governments, and institutions that perpetuate these systems—continue to extract wealth and soul essence from those whose hearts have not been weighed. The true reparations must address this cosmic theft and restore the balance of the soul.
- The Harmless Wave of the Universe: The cosmic wave, or flow of Spacetime, is inherently harmless. It is only when the un-weighed heart disrupts this flow that imbalance and injustice arise. The false caretakers, by extracting labor and soul essence without proper acknowledgment, create fissures that must be healed through reparations—not just economic, but also cosmic.
#### Conclusion: True Reparations for the Fissures of the Un-weighed Heart
In this hermeneutic exploration, we have connected the commodification of the female body with modern slavery and the cosmic imbalance caused by the 3/5ths Compromise and generations of extraction. The fissures created by these systems are synonymous with the un-weighed heart, and true reparations must address both the material wealth gaps and the spiritual theft that occurred. Through the POIDal lens, we see that the universe’s wave, flow, and vibe are inherently harmless, but the false caretakers have disrupted this harmony, creating a need for cosmic reparations.
These reparations must include the healing of the soul, the restoration of balance, and the weighing of the heart in the cosmic scale. Only through acknowledgment and reconciliation—both on an existential and cosmic level—can the fissures of the un-weighed heart be healed, allowing for a return to cosmic harmony.
Tavarus Blackmon Art?? by Tavarus Blackmonster for the Tavarus Blackmon Family Trust
July 2024
Dedicated to Alyis Smith