NEW SURCHARGE SCHEME – (with Illustrations) (:


Apropos /in continuation of the Topical Posts (lastly for now) @


Primary Points:

Calculations herein above, go to adequately illustrate the thoughts/viewpoints shared on the proposition that the surcharge auto calculated by the SYSTEM (CPC) is materially excessive. ?

That is primarily so, for two reasons:?

?(a)????????As per the law, no surcharge is leviable on income-tax on a sum of Rs. 50,00,000 included in 'total income' but that has been omitted to be considered, obviously inadvertently and owing to a gross oversight.

(b)????????Instead of applying the slab wise surcharge rate, - contrary to what is being done for applying the rate of income-tax, - the rate for the next higher slab is applied to the whole of total income.

?More so, even if total income exceeds the threshold limit for that next higher slab only marginally.

In the result, surcharge levied and collected as auto calculated by the SYSTEM, though presumably NOT intended, is, as brought out in the ‘ILLUSTRATIONS’, highly excessive, rather, by any sensible (X confusing worse confounded thinking) confiscatory.

??Marginal Relief:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

(a) Methodology /Formula laid down for reckoning 'marginal relief' is, prima facie clumsily worded, and if closely looked through, may be realized to be grossly wanting in clarity.

So much so, on that ground alone, it could be validly urged that, - in the absence of a clear-cut /specific machinery for reckoning the ‘marginal relief’, the provision is not workable hence non-est.

(b) In any view, the question of allowing any ‘marginal relief’ does not arise at all in a case in which, as borne out, by the Illustrations, the amount of excess over the threshold limit for the next higher slab is not so small but is, by any yardstick /standard, quite significant.

To be precise, it is inconceivable that there has been any intent to allow marginal relief even in such a case. Consequently, if no marginal relief, there could be no justification for applying the surcharge rate for the next higher slab.

(c) Marginal relief so provided is to the effect that, -for the total amount PAYABLE AS INCOME-TAX AND SURCHARGE on a TOTAL INCOME of ?‘ specified limits’ ?BY MORE THAN THE ??INCOME that exceeds such limits. FONT (supplied)

According to a harmonious reading and strict construction, it stands to be readily deduced that the manner in which surcharge is being auto calculated by the SYSTEM is patently contrary to/in contravention or violation of what the law specifically provides.

Aside: On that premise, for TDS/TCS purposes, it should, -one strongly feels, - be open to ‘deductor’ to independently calculate surcharge, wherever so required, on the basis of only the respective slab wise rates; not on the faulted basis adopted by the SYSTEM.

?In this context, special attention requires to be compulsorily drawn to certain provisions, which make for a striking departure?from the rest.????

To Dilate but in brief:

Rates of surcharge prescribed for the highest two income levels of 2 Crore rupees to Rs. 5 Crore rupees and above ?5 crore rupees (open ended) respectively are, - 25% and 37%.

However, as specially provided, -

(1) The enhanced surcharge of 25% & 37% is not to be levied in respect of income chargeable to tax under sections 111A, 112, 112A and 115AD. The maximum rate of surcharge on income-tax payable any such incomes shall be 15%.

(2) The surcharge rate for “AOP with all members as a company” shall be 15%.

Now, consider selectively, an “AOP with all members as a company” as envisaged under (2) above.

In terms of the special definition under the Company Law, so also under the Income Tax Act, as amended, the term ‘company 'includes ‘LLP’ and 'OMC' (one-man company).

In so providing a reduced rate of 15% the thinking behind seems to be that will accord/be in line with the fact that for a company what has been prescribed is a fixed rate of tax; not the slab rates as applicable to other types of ‘persons'.

In doing so, obviously but disappointingly, what has been overlooked is that the issue whether or not ‘AOP’ has to be assessed as a separate entity, that too in all circumstances, has always proved to be a matter of debate, disputes and prolonged litigation.

For more, suggest to consult the experts’ comment and conflicting courts judgments in any TEXT BOOK – say , Palkhivala’s.

So far as what one knows, have no reason whatsoever to firmly believe that scope for that kind of disputes and litigation do not survive any longer. On the contrary, if at all, one has every reason to even swear and state on oath that, instead, such scope is getting increasingly widened.

Support (samples):

> For some of the recent legislative developments and for a somewhat detailed account thereof , refer a recent topical article @

> Field reality- albeit after on long winding probes and time-consuming investigation, more and more fake / bogus or fly-by-night companies have been surfacing (or cropped up!) ; if wish to be enlightened, may care to see reports mainly in the administration of GST law still under evolution- same way as its makers.

?No need to specially add: Political and legislative wisdom in giving shape to new ideas and in bringing on the statute book the above or other questionable ideas ought not to be left unchallenged -?!?

KEY Point: ?For compliance with TDS or TCS purposes, the payer will not-if at all until long after, become aware or mind to know whether his payee is a company or an AOP of which his payee is a member – Agree?!

?Others More Important:???

(a)???In the FIRST SCHEDULE to the Finance Act, different rates for income -tax and surcharge thereon have been prescribed; besides for the purpose of making 'assessment', for payment of Advance tax and TDS/TCS as well.

(b)???The prescribed rates of Income-tax and surcharge are different for varied types of taxable PERSONS. ??????

(c)???For TDS /TCS purposes, the prescribed lower rates (nominal) are applicable depending upon, -not only the category to which the 'payee ' belongs but also the nature /characteristics of the subject income.

Tax Treaty - Implications:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

?This is an aspect which necessarily may have to be kept in focus; especially, the ‘Residential Status’ of the PERSON; so also, the nature/characteristics of the subject income varyingly defined in the applicable treaty and the domestic law..??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The mentioned aspects are of relevance for compliance with TDS requirements of the Domestic law; so also, for quantifying the tax relief in terms of the Treaty.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

To sum Up: Should the above-mentioned points be kept in focus, as necessarily required, it is bound to be appreciated that, any surcharge excess levied and collected may give rise to added problems in the administration and enforcement of the law (s); consequently, a fresh scope for disputes and litigation.

(OPEN to be EDITED/ ADDEDon- with an open INVITE to) ?????????


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