New stories about Customer Pioneers
Following the launch of The Customer Copernicus, earlier this year we have carried on working because there are plenty more unheard stories that deserve a wide audience. There are all sorts of organisations who in their own ways are pioneering on behalf their customers.
In the book?we?share lessons about how to become and how to stay customer-led through stories from 18 different organisations.
Now we're writing a series of six more new stories, and we're releasing the first two now.
We have an amazing tale from The Glasgow Neonatal Unit about applying customer-led principles to the care of premature babies. It sounds unlikely, but Neil Patel and his team have introduced parent-led care in a world that assumed a tech-led approach was needed. The challenge was to grow confidence that ‘customers’, or at least the parents, really could lead the specialist team to a better way.
And we have another eyebrow-raising account describing the way customers came to be running a mobile phone company. It sounds mad but giffgaff’s success started with customers providing their own customer service and later directing the business’s decision-making. And all while being owned by Telefonica, so this is interesting for corporates not just start-ups.
If you want to be first in line to get each of the next four as they are released then you can sign up on the link below. They will cover a ground-breaking public transport system operator, an online community that took years to get anywhere commercially, an insurance company that found that price isn't everything, and an asset manager trying to change the world.