A New State of Mind
Parris Lane, MFA-IA
PBS Emmy Nominated Actress/Singer, International Award-Winning Film Director, Grammy Considered Singer/Songwriter, Best Spoken Word Narrator, Author, Educator/Teaching Artist, Music, Stage, & Film Producer,
Are we so quickly gullible that we would quickly give our entire identity to an AI? The answer is YES. I've recently noticed how many people are using AI to manipulate their photos on other folks' bodies, then their friends check likes, and some even compliment them on how beautiful they look. Then they respond, saying, "Thank You." I don't know ...I just don't get it.. because I can see the psychological damage. However, I do notice that the more they post photos of themselves in these AI positions, the fewer they post of their real selves. And as I witnessed that thin line between reality and fantasy, I began to worry about some of my friend's mental health.
We live in a world that values beauty over any piece of substance; it's a multi-billion-dollar industry to lose weight, remove wrinkles, botox, detox, and detox ourselves, and we all want to look "good." However, this trend will eventually spread to the youth, and I fear this, especially for young females who feel the pressures of society and their peers even more. Believe me, I truly understand the pressures because I was bullied about my looks for most of my childhood, not only in school but at home by a sibling as well. This stuff can be brutal. It took me years to build up any self-esteem. Maybe that's why I'm a little passionate about this subject matter.
I very seldom post my photos, but this week, I did an experiment. The truth is that I got more likes from a random photo of myself by a plant as I walked down the street than from posting valuable information, some of which could literally help save people's lives. And I thought to myself if they could only recognize more of what's inside of me than the outside of me. Maybe I'm just an old soul with wishful thinking, but with all of this happening, I do know that I will be calling some folks in a couple of days to make sure they're ok and to let them know I believe that they are beautiful INSIDE OUT..