New publications: Standardisation Gap Analyses for IoT & Edge Computing

New publications: Standardisation Gap Analyses for IoT & Edge Computing

The team is glad to announce its first publications on standardisation challenges and gaps. For the first time in the project, experts gathered together not only to produce a Landscape overview of existing standards, but to develop Gap Analyses on IoT and Edge Computing with two dedicated detailed publications authored by the members of the EUOS Technical Working Group (TWG) on IoT and Edge.?

IoT and Edge Computing are increasingly impacting the technological landscape, as a result of their capacity to optimize processes in different areas such as manufacturing, healthcare, smart cities.

A Gap Analysis, which is a process to compare the current state with an ideal state, highlights shortcomings and opportunities for improvement in these relevant fields. These reports identify the main areas where standardisation efforts are needed to push progress forward.

The aim of the two reports is to initiate a structured discussion within the standardisation community and to provide consolidated technical guidance and recommendations.

IoT & Edge Standardisation Gaps

These reports highlight both IoT and edge computing research and standardisation challenges identified from the IoT activities of the EUOS community and from literature reviews.?

These Gap Analyses are a follow-up to the “Landscape of Internet of Things (IoT) Standards” and the “Landscape of Edge Computing Standards” published by the same TWG, respectively in October 2022, the second in December 2022.

The group followed a similar methodology to identify gaps both for IoT and Edge Computing. Experts first re-analysed the produced landscape reports to highlight specific research and standardisation challenges. This analysis included a phase where challenges were grouped into categories to help compose a unified overview and establish an essential structure to better identify gaps.

Then, they proceeded with a prioritisation process. By examining challenges,the overly complex ones were discarded, while the experts identified key areas needing more development. Essentially, challenges already on the SDOs' agenda indicate ongoing standardisation efforts that should be intensified, while those not yet discussed are deemed too premature.

Some of the key standardisation gaps identified in the IoT domain refer to connectivity cost, user-level service management of IoT network by utilising AI, usability of data and services provided by IoT devices and platform, IoT and ethics.

Discover the full list of challenges and gaps in IoT:


Some of the gaps for edge computing are instead linked to edge computing in digital service transformation, AI/ML enabled Network and Services, Policy descriptions, rules and constraints.?

Discover the full list of challenges and gaps in Edge Computing:



