New staff training should be including this...
Almost all of the companies have the company training for the new staff, most of the training are about the company's history, culture, structure, news, staff policy, promotion policy,company develop platform, company's future,etc,.
What else do you think the new staff training course should have more?
HR use a lot of time to get some new employees, the recuitment mission is tough. The higher position you apply, the more complicated procedure to go through. HR needs to make sure the candidate is the best person to match the position.
But why there are still so many people quit their job? And why the employee wants to jump? What do they need? What do they want?
There is a question must be asked by the HR when you're attended the interview,'Why do you want to change your job?'
Many answers will show up by the candidates. Are there any HR will keep these answers in mind after they become the new employees in the company?
Probably not! HR has lots of works to do.
New staff is green in the company and full of passion and ambitious, everything looks exciting for them. But how about after 3 months, half year or 2 years? Will they still full of passion? Do they still have exciting feeling? Maybe yes, maybe not.
That's why I suggest the new staff training course should add one more thing, that is ' Comparision between before and now(future)'.
What makes you decided to leave your previous job? What makes you decided to join this company?
It's very useful to emphasise again to the new sfaff.
Each new employee cost a lot for the company to find them, so don't loss them by some small problem which can prevent before it happens.