A New Spectrum on the Horizon
It would be a gross understatement to say that the "airwaves" are getting a little crowded. In fact, the "airwaves" are fast approaching the point in time in which the exponentially expanding wireless device population is threatening to put an end to the enjoyment of full access to the very crowded, and finite, electromagnetic spectrum.
The Electromagnetic Spectrum is responsible for carrying all of our digital communications. The spectrum is composed of "waves" of increasing and decreasing wavelength and is measured in Gigahertz (Ghz) and Megahertz (MHz) as well as in Meters (m). The waves themselves are composed of radio frequencies, which, when a digital transmission is attached to it, is carried by the wave, and received by a device on the same radio frequency (RF). The Electromagnetic Spectrum is linear and finite, the spectrum is split in two along its linearity by the visible light spectrum. At a right angle to the visible light spectrum and increasing wavelength presents infrared and the radio frequencies which carry the bulk of our communications and data transmissions. Starting at around 0.55 Ghz (GigaHertz) and ending around 18.0 GHz (GigaHertz). Inside of those frequencies are the EHF, UHF, VHF, AM, FM, TV, Radar and HF bands, among others. The UHF/VHF frequency is considered "Micro-wave" and HF/MF frequency is considered the start of "Radio Waves". At a left angle to the visible light spectrum, next to the Ultra-Violet light spectrum, in decreasing wavelength lay the frequencies which are considered X-Ray and Gamma Ray..
No one really knows how much is too much when it comes to accurately predicting how much "space" is left on the radio frequency spectrum, equally unknown is what would happen if the radio frequency spectrum was overwhelmed by unprecedented usage. At least theoretically, the possibility of an Internet style dedicated denial of service attack (DDoS) whereby millions of Software-defined (SDR) RF Radios in personal computers join together as a BotNet and inundate the Electromagnetic Spectrum with 200,000 teraBytes per second of traffic for the purpose of disrupting, or even destroying, the electromagnetic spectrum. That, Ladies and Gentleman, would be a big problem. A much more realistic and persistent problem presents itself as a lack of long term planning in that the regulating governmental authorities have assigned users the exclusive use of large blocks of specific frequencies, prohibiting other users access to those frequencies, even when those frequencies are not being utilized by the assigned user. That fact alone demonstrates the need, if not the urgency, of a far more efficient and dynamic system which could guarantee that all users will continue to enjoy full access to the spectrum.
Silicon Foundry DBA Digital Genetics in Mesa, Arizona, USA is beginning the proof-of-concept stage of substantiating how suitable for its intended purpose their Hybrid AirWave Traffic Control and Management System (AWTCM.sys) is at dynamically managing the electromagnetic spectrum. The real time, on-the-fly, spectrum sharing system disposes of assigning specific user's exclusive use of specific frequency ranges as well as most conventional rigid spectrum management paradigms. The proprietary smart system collaboratively auto-adapts in real time to a dynamic and congested spectrum environment. The spectrum sharing framework, architecture and operating system is built around a hybrid software based (RF) Radio Frequency technology, a proprietary emergent technology modeling technique, hybrid, high performance multipoint to multipoint access carrier and embedded hardware assets, and, the first practical application of the intersection between Quantum Mechanics, Classical computing, Artificial Intelligence and Deep-Learning technologies.
The High Assurance Civil Cyber System (HACCS) known as the AirWaves Traffic Control and Management System (AWTCM.sys) is an intelligent, deep-learning, interactive and collaborative architecture, framework and operating system. The core structures and operational mechanisms enabling the Smart System to perform, and share, on-the-fly, real time spectrum sharing at machine time-scales, and, optimizes spectrum usage for the entire world-wide communications ensemble while expanding its signal carrying capacity, was devised through the deployment of new modeling techniques and procedures which combine, or blend together, Data-Driven and Model-Driven modeling technologies. Silicon Foundry DBA Digital Genetics' developed the new modeling technology which retained the benefits of each conventional modelling technique but disposed of the Data-Driven approaches lack of efficient use of prior knowledge, known physics and symmetries, as well as the Model-Driven approaches which lacked the capacity to mitigate scaleability across phase transition boundaries and struggles against not becoming computationally intractable. The new techniques and novel approaches to modeling dynamic complex systems yielded complex mathematical algorithms and paradigms which substantially accelerated the speed at which the HACCS went from theory to proof-of-concept in just under 2 years. The AirWave Traffic Control and Management System, in a nutshell, is a software defined, deep-learning and intelligent radio frequency (RF) emergent technology that provides the agility in changing waveform and machine learning techniques for autonomously discerning the dynamic spectrum environment and optimizing how users share it. The system contemplates architectural needs, scoring methodologies, scenario development, collaborative strategies and tactics which allow the system to develop strategies and new wireless paradigms in which radio networks will autonomously collaborate and reason how to share the WiFi spectrum, while avoiding interference and jointly exploiting opportunities to achieve the most efficient use of the available spectrum. The prime imperative is to implement, manage and manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum to increase the spectrum's signal carrying capacity, exponentially, and, determine the who, what, where and when as it pertains to spectrum usage and control.
The processing power needed to handle the increasingly and exceedingly complex design optimization problems that supercomputers usually handle are accomplished through the use of BotNets which accelerate the complex computations through innovative hybrid analog-digital computing architectures enabling the system to have a PetaFlop supercomputer performance in a desktop form factor. The approach utilizes feedback and self-amplification as part of its learning curve which relies on the power of small Quantum Processor Computing to power the framework for its classical architecture. The framework considers the architecture and software programs as theories of formal logic which supports the cognitive features of the framework's hybrid reliable industrial grade digital awareness. The cognitive features of the framework rely on individual nodes, sensors and arrays which monitor, test, analyze, collaborate, adapt, design and deploy traffic correction and control instructions.
The information generated by the vast network of nodes, sensors and arrays, all operational simultaneously and in real time, create a synchronous wave of computational data. The computational data is processed by a logic deduction/language parsing engine which is the aggregation of the application of diverse software engines operating on different code on multiple platforms across global domains within the AWTCM.sys. The unifying of all computational data is referred to as the "Unified Stream of Intelligence" (USoI). The USoI facilitates the machine deep learning, artificial intelligence and cognitive features by providing the ability to automatically improve the computational algorithms through it's own learning and real-world experience. The unsupervised learning aspect provides the ability to find refined patterns in the USoI. The Hybrid Information Processing Sub-System provides the structural data, DipBot auto-scraping and millions of interactive training data sets, libraries and repositories which train, or educates, the adaptive and cognitive environment.
Thinking outside of the box, not accepting technological roadblocks as insurmountable, the willingness to take chances and acceptance of probable failures are some of the hallmarks that have made the United States of America the leader in emergent technologies. The electromagnetic spectrum is as vital to your day to day existence as water is. As a critical and complex dynamic natural system the spectrum's health and welfare is vital to national security. Every time you use your garage door opener, your wireless security cameras, your remote controlled drone, or, you turn on the radio, you are contributing to the potential of a critical spectrum event. The world's use, or overuse, of the spectrum is not its only threat, Solar Flares from the Sun cause regular and relatively predictable interference with the spectrum, as well as, the planet Earth's atmospheric distortions and interference. All of those disturbances add to the unpredictable condition of the spectrum and directly cause interference with RF transmissions. in the next post we discuss how we mitigate the problems facing the spectrum by applying new technologies and techniques.
This is Post 1 of a 7 Post Composition. The next Post, #2, describes the hardware associated with High Performance, Quantum/Classical SDR RF Super Transmitters, Receivers, Processing System Circuitry, memory specifications and related equipment.
This article was composed and written by the Author Mark L. Lindsey, CEO, Silicon Foundry DBA Digital Genetics, the ideas and technical details contained herein are the intellectual property of the author. Please do not cite this composition without citing its author. Written consent required for commercial use of any portion herein. .