The New Spectrum Of Capital Sources
Capital to Entrepreneurs is the life blood to the growth of their enterprise. However, the word “Capital” is similar to white light – which when dispersed through a prism shows its real color spectrum. Fundamentally, Capital, like “Day & Night,” has two categories: 1) Emotional Capital from family, friends, angel funds, grants etc., and 2) Cut throat Capital sourced from Debt Houses, Venture Capital, Private Equity and even Banks.
In the journey of a typical entrepreneur, he/she hears of convertible debt or equity Capital (series A, B, C, D).
In recent years, a new source of Capital of nearly $16 Trillion is globally being tapped into. This is called “Family or Private Wealth.” Family Wealth in the USA is approximately $5 Trillion.
The U-Group LLC, which is partnered with Family Office Network Worldwide to launch the Silicon Valley FON, provides a unique opportunity and access by an Entrepreneurial Company to Private Wealth Capital in one of the strongest economies on the Globe.
Typically, risk mitigation, so desired by Family Offices, is achieved through meticulously laid out Tactical/Strategic Plans executed in partnership with The U-Group’s hands-on experienced executive teams. These road maps are designed to maximize shareholder value through growth and engineered exits.
Corporate/Strategic Capital sources are another “Tool” commonly accessed by The U-Group to mitigate risks. Corporate Capital is also very effective in attracting Private Wealth Capital, as shown in Fig. 1.0 The Capital Prism.