New small business course open for bookings
Thanks for allowing me into your lives and businesses over the past few years by reading my updates and blog posts. New for 2017, and a small, economical step further, my 5-week nationally accredited course in "Building a Better Business" (Small Business Management) starts in Brisbane next week and bookings are now open. It’s only $400 for eligible business owners and there are only 10 seats available.
Here’s the link:
This is different from my other mentoring offerings and includes 17 hours of face-to-face content at the South Bank (Brisbane) TAFE campus, work on new product design, marketing, risk management, and (of course) improving your financials. Successful students graduate with a nationally accredited Certificate IV in Small Business Management which is something to show potential investors and partners when you expand.
If you can't make next week, we're offering another course in February, also at South Bank in Brisbane: Here's that link:
I hope you can join us … previous students have rated my performance very highly so I can assure you it’s a lot of fun.